Runners? And/or slow weight loss people

Hi, I started jogging around three weeks ago and am really loving it, currently using the endomondo app. I want to push myself, mainly to go faster, I'm definitely jogging more than running atm.

Also I'm going for the lose half a pound a week, lots of my friends seem to be eating way less than me! It would be nice to not feel like the greedy one :) I just can't function on 1000 calories a day.

So yeah, it would be great to connect with people that are either into running or doing the slow and steady weight loss thing (or both!)


  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    You can add me. I eat between 1400 and 1700 calories a day and run at least 3 times a week. Well, at least, I have done so for the past 2 weeks and plan to continue doing so. :smile:
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    Hi add me if you like! I am working my way (slowly) through c25k and am trying to improve my speed, and i eat between 1500 and 1800 calories a day ????
  • kaliwags
    kaliwags Posts: 6 Member
    Done, thank you :) I hope I can continue too! It's only been a few weeks and I'm very motivated, just hoping that feeling lasts.
  • deertheory
    deertheory Posts: 4 Member
    Howdy! I'm a small person and go between sedentary to mildly active depending on the season. I'm a cyclist commuter and also cycle for fun in the various cyclist groups locally. That said, I eat anywhere from 1200-1700 because of those wavering factors.

    I use endomondo too! I only just started using it so I don't know if you can add friends or something but if that's the case we can definitely be friends on there! I run during the uni semesters and tend to fall out of it in the summer because we have 90 degree nights and 110+ degree days, but I've been thinking about keeping it up this season. I don't run very fast anymore & I'd love to too, so maybe we can be friends and encourage each other over that.

    Don't feel greedy ;) eating because you're hungry makes sense!
  • kaliwags
    kaliwags Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, that's crazy hot! And I thought jogging in London summer was hard!

    I have no idea how to add friends on endomondo, I'm very new to it, but will have a look now, that would be great.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    most bodies of adults cant function properly on 1000 calories... my 6 year olds nutrition book told me that. :)

    my goal is 1350 but i work out enough to eat more. because food.

    starvation is counter productive. :) just do what you know is the right thing for you. forget what everyone elses body is doing.
  • jtm4210
    jtm4210 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi, add me if you like! I'm in the UK too - Norfolk now, but I used to live in Surrey and work in London.

    I'm currently training for a half marathon in September and my weight loss goal is around the 0.5lb/week mark. My calorie goal is 1700 and I usually eat most of my exercise calories back, though I prefer to look at weekly rather than daily totals.

    Good luck! :)
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    oh and i am a recent lover of running (but i also jog MOST of the time still)

    i actually WANT to do it every day and miss it on my recovery days. except when it 95 degrees outside.
  • kaliwags
    kaliwags Posts: 6 Member
    I've added everyone :)

    I want to run too! Yesterday I was walking through the park with my son and was so jealous of all the joggers, I wanted to join in! I have to admit I never thought I would see exercise as anything but a chore or something to avoid so I'm really happy with this change.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You can add me too. I eat 1600-1900 per day depending on what I have been doing that day. I am currently trying to defeat plantar fasciitis again, so not much running for me. I swim, weight train, and have a personal trainer who gets me running once a week. Once my feet are better, I want to start running more. I do not eat perfectly, and I make no apologies for it, so if seeing fast food in someone's diary bothers you, don't add me :laugh:
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me.

    I run 3-4 times a week (slowly, but I still say I run!), and I cycle in and out of work 3 days a week. And I'm in London!

    My average cals are between 1600-1700 per day.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a distance runner. But I eat 4k+ per day.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hello! I'm a long-time slow runner who eats around 2000 calories a day, including exercise calories.
  • kaliwags
    kaliwags Posts: 6 Member
    I've added everyone, can't wait for all the running updates in my newsfeed :D
  • MelaniLight
    MelaniLight Posts: 738 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to the wonderful world of running! Feel free to add me...I have been an avid runner my entire life, and I have to force myself to eat at least 1500 calories a day or I feel horrible.
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    oh and i am a recent lover of running (but i also jog MOST of the time still)

    i actually WANT to do it every day and miss it on my recovery days. except when it 95 degrees outside.

    Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. What's with all this jogging talk? A runner is a runner is a runner. Jogging is a term used by non-runners to depict how 'fast' they feel a person is running. Just because you are a new runner and are running slow, doesn't make you a jogger. There are people who have ran for years and years and still run at a slow pace because that's where they are comfortable. Be proud of what you are accomplishing and proudly label yourselves as RUNNERS :happy: Now with that all being said, feel free to add me also!!
  • Naia765
    Naia765 Posts: 3
    Hi! I was an avid runner for about 3 years until having my last baby, I have been missing it lately and im trying to get back into it. Im new to mfp and im still trying to find my way around here :D. Im aiming at running 10km 3 times a week and i also use endomondo, you can add friends but i think only from your contacts or facebook (will have to check if u can do it in any other way) Feel free to add me!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Hey everyone, I'm a runner and also lift weights. Add me if you like, I love friends who love food!

    P.S. Everyone who claims to be "slow runners" or "joggers" are in fact "runners." With mileage and time you will speed up but speed has nothing to do with how or when you're allowed to call yourself a runner. Be kinder to yourself!
  • thenursisin
    thenursisin Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I am a runner and need to lose weight so add me. I am 55 but have been running since I am 19 yrs old. I run very slow but I run 20 miles per week and weight train on recovery days......
  • bidimus
    bidimus Posts: 95 Member
    Heya, running fanatic here. Also on Endomondo by the same user name. Feel free to friend me here and there if you want.

    I couldn't imagine running on 1000 calories a day. You'll lose weight fast for sure but I suspect you'd also end up hurting yourself. On non running days it may be possible but with so little room I suspect you'll have to eat some of those running calories you burn just to have the energy to keep going. Calorie goal I'm working with isn't nearly that low and I have trouble maintaining my short run without a little extra nutrition.

    That said it does help to time your meals so you're running when your energy is the highest. What I do because of work schedules is have a small snack (100 calories or so) such as yogurt or some peanuts about half an hour before I head out for my run but before my next main meal. Then have lunch/dinner/etc after I'm done to fill the post run hunger.