Exercise every day?

Is it ok to exercise every day or is it too much.

For info, I am trying to lose weight. Current weight 210lbs and 5ft 3in. Generally speaking I aim for 1200 plus pretty much all my exercise calories (I realise MFP overestimates at times but figure since my base is only 1200 I should still be ok).

Current routine is:

M / W / F - Jog (with some walking, still new to running) 5km.
T / Th / Sa - Kettlebell & body weight routine, things like squats, press up, planks, KB swings etc. Lasts about 35 minutes and includes 5 mins jump rope warm up.

There is a new Zumba class started on a Sunday evening that I really want to try. But Sunday is my current rest day.

Do you think it would be too much with the above? This routine seems to be working ok for me so I don't want to mess it up too much. Should I just try it? Or should I drop something from the above and make sure I have 1 rest day a week?


  • eggcluck
    eggcluck Posts: 36 Member
    Everyday as you are doing is ok with one proviso, keep the intensity light. If everyday is a intense/heavy lifting day performance will suffer as you will not have adequate recovery time, which is what it al comes down too.

    Monitor you body if it seems happy with you routine then all is well, but if performance starts to slide, maybe it is time you back off a bit.

    As a note most exercise scientists who know what they are talking about do say for fat loss a bit of cardio on an off day is not only not a problem but is recommended, note that they are not talking about steady state cardio but interval training, I do not throw IT in with the same back as high intensity lifting for your reference.

    But your base at 1200 is stupid low, use more exercise as a good excuse to make it higher. They are many that would cry out they are just fine on 1200 and some even eat less, but health is a long term game. I wonder if they will be saying 1200 is fine 10 years from now when they have things like brittle bones.
  • sloseph
    sloseph Posts: 157 Member
    1200 at your weight doesn't sound a lot, how much are you trying to lose a week?

    you're only a bit heavier than me and i aim for about 1480
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Everyday as you are doing is ok with one proviso, keep the intensity light. If everyday is a intense/heavy lifting day performance will suffer as you will not have adequate recovery time, which is what it al comes down too.

    Monitor you body if it seems happy with you routine then all is well, but if performance starts to slide, maybe it is time you back off a bit.

    As a note most exercise scientists who know what they are talking about do say for fat loss a bit of cardio on an off day is not only not a problem but is recommended, note that they are not talking about steady state cardio but interval training, I do not throw IT in with the same back as high intensity lifting for your reference.

    But your base at 1200 is stupid low, use more exercise as a good excuse to make it higher. They are many that would cry out they are just fine on 1200 and some even eat less, but health is a long term game. I wonder if they will be saying 1200 is fine 10 years from now when they have things like brittle bones.

    Thanks for the info.

    Just on the 1200 thing, Map my run that I use for my 5k says that I burn something crazy like 700calories for my 5k jogs, I guess it's because I am still obese maybe.

    So on run days I often eat up to 1800-1900 calories. On my kettlebell days I would eat more around 1500. Is that still too low? I'm not losing crazy fast, usually less than 1lb a week.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    700 calories for a 5k seems a bit high. I ran a 10k yesterday in 51 min, and my HRM says I burned 908.
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    700 calories for a 5k seems a bit high. I ran a 10k yesterday in 51 min, and my HRM says I burned 908.

    Yeah that is what I figured. Which is why I don't generally worry too much about having MFP set to 1200. If I only burnt 300, then I am still netting 1600 cals and should still lose weight.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    I think as long as you have 1 - 2 LIGHT exercise days you're okay. As long as you actually DO rest if you're sore.

    Zumba can be made to be a pretty light exercise but is still fun that way. I never got out of breath doing it nor did I break a sweat - probably because I didn't try too hard.

    No reason you can't do some light walking either.

    But do keep in mind that rest is very important since that's when your muscles repair themselves and actually gain the strength you're working hard to get.
  • vonham
    vonham Posts: 25 Member
    I would say 700 for 5k is high Mfp and c25k say u burn way over what my fit bit and my treadmill do I don't do 5k yet so I'm just guessing. good luck with your workout plan
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I would say 700 for 5k is high Mfp and c25k say u burn way over what my fit bit and my treadmill do I don't do 5k yet so I'm just guessing. good luck with your workout plan

    Yeah I thought it was too high. Plus I figured if I really was only netting 1200 (meaning the burn was true) I would lose weight way faster than I actually do lol.