Mudathlon with contacts?

Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
So there's a 3 mile mudathlon next month that sounds like fun, but I've never done one before. My question to those who have done it before, what are the chances of losing my contacts? I'm blind without them, and I'm not used to wearing my glasses very much and would get dizzy trying to run in them. They're gas permeable contacts, not the cheap disposable ones--so losing them is like $100 each. I read somewhere about wearing goggles, do people actually do that in these races or was that a weird suggestion?


  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I wore goggles for all but my very first mud run. The first one, I actually had to throw out my contacts. There was just no way to wipe all the mud out and I didn't think it would be bad but it was. Bring eye drops with you if you decide to run without goggles.
  • TechLady11412
    TechLady11412 Posts: 35 Member
    Goggles sounds like a good idea. You will also look cool as hell covered in mud with the a rough and tumble mud alien :tongue:

    Is there a way for you to get a pair of the cheap disposable contacts just for this event? Just to preserve the gas permeable lenses. I'd hate to see you lose one at $100 each!! Good luck
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    I could ask my eye dr about cheap disposable ones, but honestly if I lose my contacts mid-race I am so blind I don't know how I'd finish the course! I may have to go with the goggles if I decide to go ahead with it.