help? more motivation?

katelyn002 Posts: 260 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So Its already half through November, and me.... well im still the same weight, fluctuating back and forth with like 5 pounds! I think im just so sick of thinking of losing weight! Ive been on this kick of "im going to lose weight" for a while now, especially since i had the two weddings i was in... well since i haven't really lost anything, im sick of it! I have worked out and i have eaten right, and then it goes back and forth... i guess i really know what a YOYO diet is now, cause i think thats what ive been doing.

I really need to do this! I went to get dressed yesterday for a day out with my bestest and i looked like CRAP! Total CRAP! I went out in a pair of jeans that had paint on them, and a t-shirt! why? Because i didnt like how anything else looked, i looked huge in everything! I mean, i know it doesnt help that im bloated right now but it makes me cry! Im so sick of it all!

I know weight watchers has worked for me in the past, do you think i should start couting my poinsts? I have all the books and what not, or should i just watch my calories on here? I gotta listen to Lee, my one friend on here, and DRINK MY WATER!

I need someone to keep on me, and help me out even more... even though the friends i got now are awesome!!

Well here i go, trying again for like the number mmmmmm 30th time!

XOXO Much Love


  • OMG! I was getting back on ready to post the exact same thing.. I have been loosing and gaining the same weight for the last month. I know I have been making some wrong decisions but I cannot figure out how to stop making those wrong decisions right now. It sucks to think I am my own worst enemy. I am not even half way. Help! I've fallen and I can't get up.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    I get it! I got excited cause I lost two pounds only to gain one back! Did you happen to take measurements? They are helping keep me sane. I am able to exercise harder now. Measurements down a little. Some days are just off days/weeks! Keep going! You didn't gain overnight and won't lose overnight. Keep with it! Being at home is hard too! Good luck!
  • I have experienced the same thing. However, this time around (since I'm a career dieter) I plan on doing it with a different mind-set. There were a few questions I needed to answer:
    It took me HOW long to gain all this weight?
    How serious am I really about doing this?
    HOW many times have I gained and lost weight over the last 15 years?
    WHAT can I do this time to make it stick

    This was exactly the same thing I went through when I quit smoking 7 years ago. I had tried so many times before and was successful but then eventually gave into temptation. With quitting smoking the answer was simple, do not smoke. However, you cannot do that with dieting. So what I did this time was to stay away from 'TRIGGER' foods. Sugar and bad carbs like crackers, chips, etc.

    I've only been doing this for a few weeks and I'm not losing massive amounts of weight, its definitely slow. BUT its steady.

    All I can say is, keep at it, don't give into temptation and focus on how badly you want the prize aka "a healthier you"

    Good Luck
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I was just contemplating the same thing as I submitted my "progress" to the New Year Challenge group. I have just been fluctuating the last few months. Today was another "This time I'm really going to get back on the band wagon..." day.
  • I think a lot of women go through the same thing. I keep on playing around with the same pounds over and over and it doesn't help when you go shopping and all the stores have clothes that would only fit a barbie. But one thing I have noticed is that the more I keep telling myself that "I want to lose weight" the less I do it. I have finally figured something out...I will enjoy the "dieting process" how ever long it takes me and I will be happy for any small progress I will make. If im focused on enjoying life as it is and simply trying to mae "right" food decision I will be ok...but if I "fall of the wagon" one day or's ok...I am only human! For now, enjoy who you are right now...and keep will reach your goal sonner than you think if you just enjoy the ride! :)
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