Why are we overweight in the first place???

Hi there,

Having won my battle with hunger pangs and the dreaded diet saboteur I am committed to thinning down and toning up as quickly as possible so that I can get on with maintaining that healthy physic I've always dreamed of having. I have a new respect for myself and I am holding that image of the healthy me firmly in my mind when I look in the mirror and even just after a few short days I can see her standing there in front of me. The house is quiet, and so I am taking this opportunity to contemplate the reasons for my being that bit over weight in the first place.

I was an insecure child but pleasant and sociable, I was never a big eater and so tipped the scales at 4 stone until puberty! Then things started to change for me, weight stayed on and things grew very quickly. I hovered around 7 1/2 to 8 stones until my early twenties, various periods of hunger to feasting took over my life as I adjusted to living on my own in a foreign land (Japan 1999-2002). When I returned home at the age of 23 -24 I was around the 9 stone mark. The search for an honest man kept the weight at bay, but when I met my husband to be, I settled down and allowed a few more pounds to creep on as I experimented in the kitchen and enjoyed the culinary delights on offer, in the heart of Edinburgh City, Scotland, which added an extra 1/2 stone, bringing me to 9 1/2 stones (133 lbs)

The kids followed and a few years of dedicating my life to them, left me with an extra stone and rather large breasts! My weight had settled at around 10 stones 5 lbs (145 lbs). A year ago I went through surgery and had the large breasts reduced and this summer after an extended period of dog sitting for a friend I decided to buy a dog of my own. The dog walking started me on a journey that has led me to here. My husband has always had the opposite problem, being too thin! He used this site to help him bulk up and has reached the end on his 12 week challenge and has gained around a stone and has built up quite a substantial amount of muscle mass. So having been talked into signing up for his gym I thought I would sign up for here too! I weighed myself on Tuesday before signing up and just by having the dog I was amazed to find that I had lost 3 lb! So being at my lightest weight since having the babies I decided now was the time to push it further.

MyFitnessPal has made things so much easier and has taught me a lot about the values of food and the calories they all contain. Who knew that a tracker bar contained 4g's of fat? Not healthy at all! The only issue I have is that when you see the weight come off and the writing at the bottom predicting that you'd be 8 1/2 stones (123 lbs) in five weeks if you ate this many calories every day, it is way too tempting to ignore the small print warning about, starvation mode and lack of nutrients! I'll let you know whether or not I should have listened to their advice in five weeks! I'm doing a lot of exercise at the gym now, and have started running a bit with the dog while pushing my youngest in her buggy. I am weighing myself every two or three days and have dropped a fair bit already, so am looking forward to the next few weeks.

I was just about to tell you about a website I looked at that gave the best advice when it came to dealing with hunger pangs, which was.... 'Just suck it up and put up with them or stay fat!' Advice I have taken to heart, but my dog has just ensured that I will definitely not be heading to the snack cupboard this morning, by her throwing up right in the gap between the lounge laminate flooring and the kitchen linoleum! I made excellent use of those little flat pens you get in the charity envelopes! Yucky! Hopefully upon reading this you will be empowered not to go for the unhealthy snacks today also! Apart from signing up for my fitness pal and a gym the next best advice would be to watch a few dozen episodes of Cesar Millan Dog Whisperer, and buy a dog, they'll help you on your fitness journey in many more ways than you can imagine! ;-)

The sun has put in an appearance, so as soon as baby wakes then we three, baby, puppy and me, will be pounding the pavements, or at least the tarmac along the river bank! Will keep you posted ....

AKA Suisho25
