Cannot lose weight



  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member

    Sounds like it could be.

    If it is, your levels need to be optimal or you still won't lose. Even if they are, it is much slower of a process.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    If you Doctor says you have no hormonal imbalance. Then it could be a low metabolism. I have that issue. Means it takes more for your body to burn calories than normal. Have a Metabolism Test. And seek out a trainer. I have this problem. And I have to live with only losing 1 to 2 KG per month. But it can be done. Take your time. Keep healthy. It will work. Just takes longer!!!!!

    Isn't that about 2-4 lb? That's not a bad thing.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Thanks for your comments but it still doesn't explain how I can exercise for 12 hours a week, follow a calorie controlled diet and still not lose.

    If you are not weighing, measuring and logging everything you have no idea how much you are really taking in. The type of food does not dictate weight loss, the amount of calories do.

    I had a trainer who said I ate far too less for the amount I burn so my body is starving but then I up my calories and still cant lose.

    This is BS. There are a lot of negative consequences to eating too little. Being unable to lose weight is not one of them (although I will admit that a temporary plateau may be an issue)

    Very confusing. I mostly eat plain fish, chicken, veg, fruit, nuts and seeds, so healthy food but still nothing. is the answer then to stick with 1,000 - 1,200 calories, continue exercising and lifting and don't eat back those calories?

    No the answer is to dial in the accuracy of your logging and consistent logging.
  • O2Bslimagain
    O2Bslimagain Posts: 120 Member
    look up the website : - they may have a few answers for you. Our bodies are all different. You might be doing too much cardio- I don't know how long you do cardio for, but that could be a reason. I try not to eat back my calories. You should be having a protein, carb and healthy fat with every meal. It is hard to say as everybody has an idea.

    I hope you find answers!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    Sounds like it could be.

    If it is, your levels need to be optimal or you still won't lose. Even if they are, it is much slower of a process.

    She has had her thyroid tested a few times and it's normal. She isn't accurately logging by her own admission. I don't understand why the thyroid is the likely issue?
  • tipsy1234dopes
    tipsy1234dopes Posts: 7 Member
    Yet another person who whimpers about why they can't lose weight but won't open their diary. Waste of time!
  • tipsy1234dopes
    tipsy1234dopes Posts: 7 Member
    No need to be sarcastic. My diary is open!
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks for your comments but it still doesn't explain how I can exercise for 12 hours a week, follow a calorie controlled diet and still not lose. I had a trainer who said I ate far too less for the amount I burn so my body is starving but then I up my calories and still cant lose. Very confusing. I mostly eat plain fish, chicken, veg, fruit, nuts and seeds, so healthy food but still nothing. is the answer then to stick with 1,000 - 1,200 calories, continue exercising and lifting and don't eat back those calories?

    You've already gotten the answer that is most likely: eating too much because you don't log accurately. Asking the same question just isn't going to change anything. Accept it as most likely and work on a plan to change things OR stick your head in the sand and keep hoping someone is going to have some magical solution for you. Your call.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    No need to be sarcastic. My diary is open!

    It's not open
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks for your comments but it still doesn't explain how I can exercise for 12 hours a week, follow a calorie controlled diet and still not lose.

    If you are not weighing, measuring and logging everything you have no idea how much you are really taking in. The type of food does not dictate weight loss, the amount of calories do.

    I had a trainer who said I ate far too less for the amount I burn so my body is starving but then I up my calories and still cant lose.

    This is BS. There are a lot of negative consequences to eating too little. Being unable to lose weight is not one of them (although I will admit that a temporary plateau may be an issue)

    Very confusing. I mostly eat plain fish, chicken, veg, fruit, nuts and seeds, so healthy food but still nothing. is the answer then to stick with 1,000 - 1,200 calories, continue exercising and lifting and don't eat back those calories?

    No the answer is to dial in the accuracy of your logging and consistent logging.


    I also think this could quite possibly be a troll....just sayin....
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Thanks for your comments but it still doesn't explain how I can exercise for 12 hours a week, follow a calorie controlled diet and still not lose.

    If you are not weighing, measuring and logging everything you have no idea how much you are really taking in. The type of food does not dictate weight loss, the amount of calories do.

    I had a trainer who said I ate far too less for the amount I burn so my body is starving but then I up my calories and still cant lose.

    This is BS. There are a lot of negative consequences to eating too little. Being unable to lose weight is not one of them (although I will admit that a temporary plateau may be an issue)

    Very confusing. I mostly eat plain fish, chicken, veg, fruit, nuts and seeds, so healthy food but still nothing. is the answer then to stick with 1,000 - 1,200 calories, continue exercising and lifting and don't eat back those calories?

    No the answer is to dial in the accuracy of your logging and consistent logging.


    I also think this could quite possibly be a troll....just sayin....

    Diary was open and filled out. I checked back a few days and it seemed pretty legit. I didn't comment on the diary because I still see the same issue - accurate portions.
  • Jinnie69
    Jinnie69 Posts: 22
    I have found my natural chiropractic nutritionist to be most helpful with road blocks, and balancing the system. Before my recent illness i would not have tried such a path in the past, but a recent illness has caused me to look for more balance and natural methods. It's amazing the changes when you are balanced. Good luck!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Advice please. I am so frustrated. In a year I have put on 3 stones. yet I exercise constantly and cannot lose weight. I found my BMR from various websites and averaged it to be 1639 (Katch McCardle). I am 5 ft 4" and weigh 187 lbs and need to lose at least 50 lbs. I do 10 classes a week (zumba, body pump, spinning, aerobics etc) as well as lift weights in the gym for about 2 hrs a week. MFP tells me I should eat at least 1350 to lose 2 lbs a week and I currently eat between 1600 and 1800 calories. Before I joined MFP I ate between 1,000 - 1200 cals, mostly protein and hardly any carbs and lost nothing. Did Weightwatchers, lost nothing, did 5:2 diet and again lost nothing. I now eat carbs. What am I doing wrong? I had a personal trainer who said my problem was that I did too much exercise and did not eat carbs and definitely did not eat enough food. Now I eat carbs and have only lost about 1 lb in 6 weeks. Help.

    Your intake calories are off. I promise. Start weighing your food and entering everything into your diary. Being honest with yourself is the first step.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks for your comments but it still doesn't explain how I can exercise for 12 hours a week, follow a calorie controlled diet and still not lose.

    If you are not weighing, measuring and logging everything you have no idea how much you are really taking in. The type of food does not dictate weight loss, the amount of calories do.

    I had a trainer who said I ate far too less for the amount I burn so my body is starving but then I up my calories and still cant lose.

    This is BS. There are a lot of negative consequences to eating too little. Being unable to lose weight is not one of them (although I will admit that a temporary plateau may be an issue)

    Very confusing. I mostly eat plain fish, chicken, veg, fruit, nuts and seeds, so healthy food but still nothing. is the answer then to stick with 1,000 - 1,200 calories, continue exercising and lifting and don't eat back those calories?

    No the answer is to dial in the accuracy of your logging and consistent logging.


    I also think this could quite possibly be a troll....just sayin....

    Diary was open and filled out. I checked back a few days and it seemed pretty legit. I didn't comment on the diary because I still see the same issue - accurate portions.

    Okay my bad then :laugh: You have more patience than I do to check diaries :drinker:
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    Not to pile it on, but I agree with the others. You're overestimating your calorie burns and/or underestimating your food intake. Buckle down and be super accurate/consistent. Weigh everything to the gram. Use a HRM to measure calorie burns. You can even take it a step further and only record your "net" calorie burns (the amount you burned while exercising over and above what you would have burned by laying on your couch anyway, because MFP already takes the "couch" calories into account). You can calculate net calories here:
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    I use to eat back the calories when I first joined and not much was happening. It's a matter of finding what works for you. I was doing 1200 cals and that was fine but 1300 works excellent for me. I don't usually hit the 1300 mark but it gives me a little room for days when I can't get exercises in or I eat a bit over. It doesn't really affect my calorie goal much. How much water do you drink. May not sound like a big deal but it does make a difference. When you log your calories, are you also adding what you drink as well as food. High calorie drinks will kick you in the butt every time. Sometimes people forget to add that in there.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member

    Sounds like it could be.

    If it is, your levels need to be optimal or you still won't lose. Even if they are, it is much slower of a process.

    She has had her thyroid tested a few times and it's normal. She isn't accurately logging by her own admission. I don't understand why the thyroid is the likely issue?

    Because I suffered for years trying to lose, logging accurately, exercising, and I'd still gain. I have Hashimoto's. Better to be tested and find out if that's why someone is having trouble or to rule hypothyroidism out.
  • kangaroux92
    kangaroux92 Posts: 188 Member
    i just started excising and eating better 2 weeks ago, i really would like to loose 20 to 30 pounds my self. i also Plateau very easily usually i loose 5 pounds and then nothing for over a month. im 5, now and weight 182 .but i dont know your fat to muscle body composition but you could be putting on alot of muscle. but either way with what your describing you should be seeing results of some kind even if you haven't lost weight on the scale. and also health is more important than pounds as long as you feel good doing what your doing thats really important aswe :) dont give up no matter what your body is benefiting from your healthy life style.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    No need to be sarcastic. My diary is open!

    It's not open
    No it's not :happy:
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    Measure ALL of your food. It is very easy to underestimate the calories you are actually eating. Don't forget the oil/butter, condiments, creamers, etc.

    You shoudl easily lose weight at 1200-1300 calories per day.