I took a free day yesterday on the calories. Had a family pot-luck which in all honestly I basically invited "calorie" havoc" into my domain. I knew there would be so many different dishes that I have placed on my 'forbidden list' and everyone there was from my husbands family I felt obligated to at least taste every dish. Luckily, I planned for it and completed extra exercise and did more activities, that way in the end hopefully I wouldn't gain more than a few pounds.

I must say that I am so proud of myself, I did partake of everything the fare offered, however I indulged with 2Tbsp of each item and only 2. I was so shocked that I did not get the cravings for more. I was actually satisfied with the few bites of each dish. This is not me, I'm the type that if I loved the taste of something, I ate that something, seconds and maybe thirds. However, yesterday I had no desire to go over 2Tbsp even with the homemade peach cobbler. Mmmmmm... Funny thing is after everyone packed their shovels with the leftovers, they decided to leave the leftover leftovers here. So now I have a refrigerator full of prepared food like: Mac-n-Cheese, Creamy Cheesey Broccoli Potato, a variety of Ribs, etc... Everything was homemade and such a quantity that I can open a restaurant for a day maybe a day in a half (LOL).

I hoping the kids with demolish most of it with-in the 3 day limit and my dogs will love a few meaty bones. I'm so busy going of into my fugue state I forgot why I was writing this. Anyway...Perhaps I just wanted to say MFP really helped me yesterday because with each bite I kept reminding myself to remember everything I ate so I could enter it into my diary. During all that food MFP made me conscious of what I was putting into my mouth. NOTE: No way is everything I ate on my diary I got tired trying to match up the items. Thats why I call yesterday a free day. Good news, I hope... When I weighed in this morning it read a 0.6 gain. YEA!


  • christimccarty
    way to go! Holidays are hard but its a great accomplishment to be aware! Good job!
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member
    You did great!! Congratulations. I had a 5# gain and passed on dessert yesterday.