Confused vegetarian!



  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Guess the topic title is indeed appropriate then...

    I think many Pescetarians call themselves Vegetarians...

    I was waiting for someone to criticize her for the label she is giving herself. Didn't have to wait though.
    I don't get this idea of calling yourself something you are not. Who are people trying to kid when they do it. Is it trying to make you feel better about your choices? If your unhappy about your choices do something about it but don't try an pretend your something your not as you just look silly

    A link the the Vegetarian society if people want to know what one is

    I don't think it's any of my business. I think people look silly when they play "semantics police"

    Yeah, it would be so wonderful if these forums were actually a place where people who need help and advice could actually get it instead of playing Russian roulette with people who like to criticize things (like self-imposed labels) that are none of their business and have nothing to do with what the posters are asking help on. Dream on, huh? Lovely example of why I never ask for help or opinions here.

    The guy who posted the definition also at least gave the OP advice. The OP opened herself up to getting called out about that when she decided to label herself as a vegetarian in the title. For a lot of vegetarians it's more than just not eating meat, there are ethical reasons. It doesn't make one better than the other, but if someone wants to call themselves a vegetarian they should actually know what it is. But now this is just getting off topic.

    OP read the link to sexypants it will really help.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member

    On the protein issue, no matter how much I try I only hit 100 grams a day (should be double that). I've added eggs, fish, and protein shakes to try to up it and I just can't break 100!

    Calm down haters. as you can see she said ADDED which means she didnt eat them before and is now giving them a shot to up her protein. So yes, now she is a pescatarian, but what she classifys herself as isnt the issue at hand here.

    But everything else people are saying here is true. If you havent lost any weight or gone down in measurements you are not logging correctly somewhere, its calories in calories out.

    What are your current stas? weight, height?
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    I do CrossFit four days a week and run 3 miles twice a week. I have 20 pounds to lose. After doing this routine for three months I have not lost one single pound, changed my body fat %, or measurements. I asked some people at my CF gym what might be the reason why. They say I'm not eating enough and I'm not getting enough protein. I talked to my doctor, she ran a bunch of tests and says everything is normal.

    Here's where the confusion starts. I've always been told to lose weight you have to have a calorie deficit. MFP says I should eat around 1,600 calories a day. I wear a FITBIT that is connected to MFP to track my activity. With food and activity I'm hitting 1,400-1,800 each day. The coach at CF says I should be eating 2,300 a day!!! How can that be without GAINING weight?

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    FATDOOB: It's called being a pesca vegitaration. Do your homework before you correct people.

    Is there a difference from pescatarian(spelling?) and pesca vagitaration( is this a word?)?
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    I do CrossFit four days a week and run 3 miles twice a week. I have 20 pounds to lose. After doing this routine for three months I have not lost one single pound, changed my body fat %, or measurements. I asked some people at my CF gym what might be the reason why. They say I'm not eating enough and I'm not getting enough protein. I talked to my doctor, she ran a bunch of tests and says everything is normal.

    Here's where the confusion starts. I've always been told to lose weight you have to have a calorie deficit. MFP says I should eat around 1,600 calories a day. I wear a FITBIT that is connected to MFP to track my activity. With food and activity I'm hitting 1,400-1,800 each day. The coach at CF says I should be eating 2,300 a day!!! How can that be without GAINING weight?

    On the protein issue, no matter how much I try I only hit 100 grams a day (should be double that). I've added eggs, fish, and protein shakes to try to up it and I just can't break 100!

    Typical day:
    Breakfast-Smoothie made with vegan protein powder or 3 eggs and fruit
    Lunch: Salad topped with tofu or a can of tuna
    Dinner: Salmon with vegetables, shrimp curry, or a tofu dish
    Snacks: 1 or 2 a day depending on workouts-protein smoothie or piece of fruit and nut butter

    How do I up my protein and lose weight!?!?!

    OP to try to answer one of your questions: If you do Crossfit 3 x's a week and run 6 miles total during the week, and you have seen a measurable difference, BF change or weight loss, what were you doing prior to the 3 months? Also, I eat about 115 grams of protein a day and maintain 145 pounds of LBM, so why do you think you need more then 100 grams of protein? And last, with salmon, eggs, Pea(guessing) protein, shrimp curry, how on earth are you not getting 100 grams plus daily?
  • whyandme3
    whyandme3 Posts: 1

    I'm a Vegetarian, eat a gluten free diet, and use a Fitbit force that is connected to my myfitnesspal. I typically get 130-145 grams of protein a day. I work out six days a week typically, cardio, weight training, mountain biking, and pretty much anything outside. I think protein is critical, I start my day with two scoops of Trutein protein mix and that gives me about 60 grams first thing in the morning. From there, I make sure I have a protein base in every meal. I would personally go off of your myfitnesspal for your "calorie intake" suggestion once you have linked your fitbit... that is what worked for me. However, I always over my protein suggestion & fiber.
  • hi confused,
    Im am the (whyandme3) vegetarians husband,one of the problems that i see w/my fitness pal on the laptop is it doesn't show you your nutritional chart how many fats your taking in such as mono,sat trans,also sodium, sugars so on and so forth.if you have a smart phone you can easily download the fitness pal app and it will show you what your daily goals should be according to the chart thats on the also give you a pie chart so that way you can see your percentage of protien/carbs/fats for that day.For us that has given a better understanding how to eat a little bit better....and stay away from restaurants as much as possible,they are loaded with SODIUM and FAT!!!!!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    hi confused,
    Im am the (whyandme3) vegetarians husband,one of the problems that i see w/my fitness pal on the laptop is it doesn't show you your nutritional chart how many fats your taking in such as mono,sat trans,also sodium, sugars so on and so forth.if you have a smart phone you can easily download the fitness pal app and it will show you what your daily goals should be according to the chart thats on the also give you a pie chart so that way you can see your percentage of protien/carbs/fats for that day.For us that has given a better understanding how to eat a little bit better....and stay away from restaurants as much as possible,they are loaded with SODIUM and FAT!!!!!

    Sodium and fat aren't evil.

    Too much of anything can be bad for you. There is no reason to avoid restaurants. I'm not advocating eating out every day/every meal, but there is nothing wrong with going to a restaurant.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Ah yes, the death of a thread. 2 posts, 2 friends, no additional input.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Ah yes, the death of a thread. 2 posts, 2 friends, no additional input.

    Since OP hadn't come back I was thinking maybe it was just to see if they could stir up some trouble...
  • HI fatdoob
    just to let everyone know that if you are on a lower cal diet you must keep the protein up as much as possible ,especially when your doing vigorous exercises..such as cardio, weights,etc.. b/c your body starts burning muscle before it even thinks about the fat reserves so...... thats why you need a high protein diet, to keep the muscle fed and you can actually burn fat not muscle...
    To also kind of correct on the vegetarian discussion (1. Pescatarian ) is one of the 7 types of vegetarian, so it is technically vegetarian:laugh:
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Ah yes, the death of a thread. 2 posts, 2 friends, no additional input.

    Since OP hadn't come back I was thinking maybe it was just to see if they could stir up some trouble...

    Samesies. 2 posts on a 3 year account.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    HI fatdoob
    just to let everyone know that if you are on a lower cal diet you must keep the protein up as much as possible ,especially when your doing vigorous exercises..such as cardio, weights,etc.. b/c your body starts burning muscle before it even thinks about the fat reserves so...... thats why you need a high protein diet, to keep the muscle fed and you can actually burn fat not muscle...
    To also kind of correct on the vegetarian discussion (1. Pescatarian ) is one of the 7 types of vegetarian, so it is technically vegetarian:laugh:

    This could be a thread topic since I'm curious of low carb(what are the parameters) and vigorous when it comes to exercise. Is vigorous a 6 mile run? A hour bike ride at 16-20 MPH?
  • of course if you have a metabolism of an 18 year old so before you speak you might want to check out nutritional values of the foods you eat a restaurant....have you lately???????????????
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    HI fatdoob
    just to let everyone know that if you are on a lower cal diet you must keep the protein up as much as possible ,especially when your doing vigorous exercises..such as cardio, weights,etc.. b/c your body starts burning muscle before it even thinks about the fat reserves so...... thats why you need a high protein diet, to keep the muscle fed and you can actually burn fat not muscle...
    To also kind of correct on the vegetarian discussion (1. Pescatarian ) is one of the 7 types of vegetarian, so it is technically vegetarian:laugh:

    Yeah no. People may believe that and classify it as that, but being that it seems people want to smack a label on every little thing, IMO it really is not even part of vegetarian. Growing up I learned there were 3 types - carnivores, omnivores and vegetarians.

    I don't get why people have decided they have to add extra labels - pescetarian, octo-lacto, blah blah, and the newest one, flexitarian. To me, it's all bs. I still think there are just 3 types, carnivores, omnivores and vegetarians. The very definition of vegetarian is abstaining from the consumption of meat. So personally, pescetarian is not vegetarian. Not in any form of the definition. People may now associate it, doesn't mean it's right.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Ah yes, the death of a thread. 2 posts, 2 friends, no additional input.

    Since OP hadn't come back I was thinking maybe it was just to see if they could stir up some trouble...

    Samesies. 2 posts on a 3 year account.

    Also...eating a corn dog in her photo...I suppose that could be a morningstar one but...
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    The ketchup is the giveaway. "Nobody I mean nobody eats a hot dog with ketchup on it." Dirty Harry
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    Ah yes, the death of a thread. 2 posts, 2 friends, no additional input.

    Since OP hadn't come back I was thinking maybe it was just to see if they could stir up some trouble...

    Samesies. 2 posts on a 3 year account.

    Also...eating a corn dog in her photo...I suppose that could be a morningstar one but...

    Doubt it. Looks like she's at a fair.
  • HI fatdoob
    just to let everyone know that if you are on a lower cal diet you must keep the protein up as much as possible ,especially when your doing vigorous exercises..such as cardio, weights,etc.. b/c your body starts burning muscle before it even thinks about the fat reserves so...... thats why you need a high protein diet, to keep the muscle fed and you can actually burn fat not muscle...
    To also kind of correct on the vegetarian discussion (1. Pescatarian ) is one of the 7 types of vegetarian, so it is technically vegetarian:laugh:

    Yeah no. People may believe that and classify it as that, but being that it seems people want to smack a label on every little thing, IMO it really is not even part of vegetarian. Growing up I learned there were 3 types - carnivores, omnivores and vegetarians.

    I don't get why people have decided they have to add extra labels - pescetarian, octo-lacto, blah blah, and the newest one, flexitarian. To me, it's all bs. I still think there are just 3 types, carnivores, omnivores and vegetarians. The very definition of vegetarian is abstaining from the consumption of meat. So personally, pescetarian is not vegetarian. Not in any form of the definition. People may now associate it, doesn't mean it's right.

    Hmm. Now you've got me thinking. Can I call myself a runner please? I just started calling myself that yesterday. See, I run one to three times a week and rarely run more than 5 km. I also take three to six months off most years. Just because I believe I am a runner and classify myself as that, this doesn't necessarily mean it's right. Right? Please tell me what you learned growing up so that I don't just smack a label on myself.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Ah yes, the death of a thread. 2 posts, 2 friends, no additional input.

    Since OP hadn't come back I was thinking maybe it was just to see if they could stir up some trouble...

    Samesies. 2 posts on a 3 year account.

    Also...eating a corn dog in her photo...I suppose that could be a morningstar one but...

    Doubt it. Looks like she's at a fair.

    Is that Tom Hanks in the background? Was she in Big the movie? But yes it may be fair to say she was at a Fair.