Anyone know their VO2Max or have tried to test it recently?

Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
Anyone know their VO2Max or have tried to test it recently?

I am a 52 year old guy, about 30% bf, weigh 189 lbs and I know I am out of shape. I am making progress slowly, but I am starting to really want to increase my overall fitness and one important component is my VO2Max

I did some searches on the forums and read what I could. I wanted to ask an "open" question and see who out there is:

1. Curious about their VO2MAX

2. Has actually measured it and would like to share it (Female or Male)
This would be at a university, gym, or lab where they actually measure the Oxygen you consume while you are given increasingly tougher cardiovascular workloads.

3. Done testing based on the shapesense website:

Really interested to see what comes out of this!

Thanks! :smile: :drinker:


  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
  • dorie577
    dorie577 Posts: 25 Member
    I did have it tested last July but I don't know where it is.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I did have it tested last July but I don't know where it is.

    It is great you had it tested! I really kick myself for not testing it earlier. :smile:
  • dorie577
    dorie577 Posts: 25 Member
    I found it. i had 31.2 mls/kg/min. That places me in the 50th-60th percentile for my age and gender with a rating of average-good. I think they may have given me more credit though, I think in my research that is not average-good.

    I had body fat on InBody 520, my vo2, blood pressure, muscular strength and endurance. I had it done the end of last July.I want to have it done again at the end of this month, if things work out.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    My resting heart rate thing puts my VO2 max at 44 and my run test from shapesense is 38. Running just always sucks for me and I just can't make myself go for it since I hate it so. I do sports conditioning and Crossfit on a regular basis, so I do run, but mostly 400 m or less with other exercises in the middle. My heart rate never gets as high in any other of my workouts as something with straight running; for example, I don't get winded or get an very high heart rate jumping rope. I am also running at about a mile above sea level, so I am not sure if that is accounted for. 39+ is excellent for my age group. Not sure but I guess I am either excellent or the highest point in "good"---it's enough that I feel okay about it.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    @kelly. Thanks.. good stuff!
  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    I train with a triathlon team and all our training is heart rate based. I had my VO2 max tested over a year ago. It gave me my HR Zones to work in (we work in mostly zone 2) which is still aerobic and where you get the biggest benefit with the smallest breakdown for your body (important when you are training 6x week). My zone 2 is 145-155 (slow when running!). Max HR is about 184. I would have to go back and check my actually VO2 number thought. I have found that it has made running WAYYY more enjoyable bc you can breathe and run at the same time. You don't have to go hard every workout. I have gotten to the pont where I have to run faster to stay in zone 2.