Trying to lose the weight.... again

Hi, my name is Jeanne - and I'm trying to lose over 60 pounds.

I've gained, and lost, and gained, and lost --- and now, at my heaviest, I'm trying to do it all over again.

I'm currently 203 lbs and 5'4''. I've lost 6 pounds since starting almost 2 weeks ago. If anyone would like to buddy up, I'd be very happy to.

My motivations are to improve my health, have more energy for my young daughter, horseback riding and finding clothes that fit. I have a lot of belly fat and often get asked if I am expecting, and it makes it very difficult to find clothes.

My challenge is sugar. I'm a total sugar addict, but any time I try to quit cold turkey, it never lasts. This time around, I've been allowing myself little (portion controlled) treats about once or twice a week. So far - it's been good, I feel a lot less guilt and realize I don't need "as much" sweet to be satisfied.


  • christimccarty
    I'm sorry you've had such a hard time keeping your results to stick. I'd love to help you out!!
  • nanifani
    nanifani Posts: 1
    Hi Jeanne!
    I totally relate to your story. I have gained and lost weight multiple times and have also reached my heaviest. This time I want to keep the weight off for good.

    Like you, I also am a sugar addict. I am a frequent snacker as well, which has not served me very well.

    I would love to buddy up so we can reach our goals together!
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you Christi!

    Nani - I would love to buddy up - I'll send you a friend request.

    How do I follow the replys to this post? I didn't realize anyone had replied :(
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    Hi Jeanne,

    I think the fact that you have gained back weight you have lost in the past and have gone higher as a result means that you are eating only to lose weight. This has to be a new way of living for your otherwise you will get stuck in the cycle.

    One certain way of failing is eating foods you do not enjoy or completely stopping the foods you do enjoy. That means you will only be waiting to reach your goal weight to go back to enjoying food again.

    I find that anything is ok as long as it is in moderation. I think you are doing good limiting the sweet to a few times a week but I'm going to go all out and tell you to have it daily. I love sweets too and I do not deprive myself and it has not affected my weight loss and maintenance one bit. I eat things that are healthy and sweet like sweet potatoes and I cook with brown sugar but I also eat unhealthy things in moderation pretty much daily. I will have about 200 calories of sweets a day such as ice cream and chocolate.

    Find recipes and healthy foods you truly enjoy, if you don't like it don't eat it. If you have a craving, eat and don't deprive yourself. Just keep an eye on your daily calorie intake and do not go overboard on the sugar and you should be fine.

    And most importantly do not rush the weight loss. Sure you will lose faster and more if you only eat veggies but you cannot live on veggies forever. Trust me, focus more on adding healthy clean foods to you diet then eliminating the bad ones and you will be more successful. Soon enough you will realize that eating a fatty salmon with tzatziki dip is much tastier than a burger.

    Good luck!
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you alereck - that's great advice!