Man Salad Suggestions?



  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    More protein. Trow some boiled eggs in the salad and he can take them to work to mix in also.

    Is he using a lot of dressing at work? If he is he may be getting a lot of carbs that way and it may make him hungrier.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    LOL! I totally agree with what you are saying. I miss the rouladen and rotkohl too. :) We could probably wait on the kase sahne torte until we get closer to goal weight.
    Hah, truth.

    rouladen is a gimme. I like multiple types, but I'll make it with veal from time to time, you know how to pound it right? Well... from there...

    put some enoki mushrooms, green onions, and a little mustard and roll. Sear in a pan, and roast in the oven to finish with a little bacon tossed on for measure (just a little). You could also roast it on a bed of sauerkraut. Just don't make the spaetzle. Which well... if my grandma had ever heard me say that, she'd probably cuff me one in the back of the head. ;)

    I'm not a huge bread eater, but something like that, I'd toss in a couple tirolerknödel made with the leftover bauernbrot. Also, the jaegerschnitzel you mentioned? There's a Swabian here in town that makes them without breading them, quite good.
  • Bilby1978
    Bilby1978 Posts: 8
    I used to get dizzy mid afternoon.

    try to add more protien - I add all kinds of thing to my salads - edame beans (these pack in extra natural protien/ I use the frozen variety - put them in the salad frozen, they defrost by lunch and keep the salad cool), broccoli, brussel sprouts, asparagus, cauliflower (all raw) . Cut them small enough that they have the same consistency (bit size) as the lettuce.

    Also try to use "heavier" greens in the salad - I do 3 equal parts - lettuce (any kind / I switch it up reguarily), kale and either red cabagge or spinach. The heavier greens add extra protien and fibre, keeps me full longer.

    He could also add a mid afternoon snack - try 10-12 almonds with a shake (low carb/high protien). The almonds alongside the shake give a little bit of extra fat but keeps the shake in the belly longer, and keeps you feeling full.

    **Note about the edame - I recommend looking for the organic kind - avoid GMO's.
  • BeAnInspirationToday
    Ill be trying this sounds good !
  • BeAnInspirationToday
    I need more salad ideas I feel like im eating the same thing over and over lol
  • Ratrap
    Ratrap Posts: 153
    He is not eating enough, but also that depends on if he is working out. If he is working out he needs to eat more. I was told that I need to eat 2550 cals a day to lose weight and I am 250lbs.
  • pronetocrash91
    pronetocrash91 Posts: 125 Member
    Bumping for ideas
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I'd suggest running his numbers through a TDEE calculator like thus:

    At his height / weight I'd estimate he could be eating between 2500 and 3000 cals to lose weight. There's no need for him to be struggling through the day on rabbit food.

    Add more protein, add more carbs.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    The hubby was so gracious to join my weight loss group to help me drop the weight. He lost 10 pounds since April but it's been hard for him. His diet plan is basically:

    Breakfast - 1 slice of whole grain bread, smear of greek yogurt, light jam ADD PEANUT BUTTER

    ADD a snack

    Lunch - small salad from the cafeteria ADD string cheese &/or chicken breast

    ADD a snack

    Dinner - larger salad that I make ADD cheese &/or proteinand one serving of light yogurt; or one serving of meat (deck of cards size) and a big pile of steamed veggies.

    ADD a snack or dessert

    He drinks milk (~ 24 ounces of 1% per day) and water for fluids (no soda or coffee). Weekend meals include a couple of brats and veggies for lunch.

    I'm very concerned for him because he told me recently that he gets dizzy and hungry during the day. I asked him to eat more during lunch but he says he gains weight when he eats even just a little more. He is 6'7" and is about 250 pounds. He has a light frame so 200 pounds would be ideal for him (when he came to the States from Germany he weighed 165 pounds :noway: ). Then he married me and "blossomed". He wants to keep eating salads but I want to mix things up for him and make sure he eats enough so he isn't dizzy. I usually make any of the following:

    1.) Asian salad with romaine, cucumbers, green onions, toasted almonds, crunchy rice noodles and a NOT light poppy seed dressing.

    2.) A steak salad with NOT light blue cheese and extra tomatoes.

    3.) Curry cashew salad with romaine, pears, grapes, bacon and NOT light honey mustard.

    4.) Romaine with tomatoes, feta, cucumbers, red onions and a raspberry balsamic vinaigrette.

    I measure out about 400-500 calorie salads and they are pretty filling. I also have started to make my own dressings - they are so much tastier and I usually cut the oil amount in half. Generally - when one of us loses, the other gains and I can't figure out what is going on.

    Any other salad recipes or suggestions?

    My suggestions are in bold. He needs to eat more calories for his size and probably activity level. Google scooby TDEE calculator or fitness frog.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Avocado, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and beets are all great on sald and add extra calories!
  • SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFish
    I'm not quite 6' and I'd be feeling hunger rage with that lack of food, later maybe laying in bed not able to get up...I really dont think he's eating half of enough...especially if he's exercising I wouldnt expect him to be able to last on that much longer.

    OK you want a man salad? I eat this salad and love it, off the top of my head: 2 chicken breasts chopped, 2-4 oz grated parmesan/romano mix, half a can of olives, about a cup of greek yogurt, 4 cups of kale, pepper, sesame oil. Cut/tear the kale into preferred salad size pieces, oil and pepper it and mix, then add the rest of the ingredients, mix, and eat the whole thing! :) Great protein, greens and fats all at the same time, not low cal...and now I'm hungry... Tomatos go well in it too.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Less milk, more food imo
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Does he workout? If so, that is far too few calories for a big guy like him!
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    My version of a Cobb salad...which I always put on my menus as "Catch Me A Man Salad"

    2 cups chopped romaine
    2 cups baby spinach
    1/2 c each:
    *diced tomato
    *diced cucumbers
    *shredded carrots
    1/4 c each:
    *diced red onion
    *chopped eggs
    *crumbled crispy bacon
    *diced avocado
    *diced chicken
    *diced ham

    Optional is the dressing you use...

    OMG that sounds awesome. Have to try. Thank you
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Try it with tongue. (lengua)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Taco salad
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    Yeah yeah yeah

    Spinach, romaine, mushrooms, roasted onion, little balsamic, little crumbled blue cheese, sliced steak
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    He should eat more at breakfast and lunch. That is NOT ENOUGH FOOD for him. I am much smaller than him and I'd faint if I tried to subsist on such meager portions. Throw in a hard boiled egg at breakfast - or - 6 ounces of greek yogurt. Have him snack on almonds through the day. He needs more protein. Starving himself isn't the answer.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    No human (man or woman) should eat that little at 6' 7". At 200lbs I worry about the fragility of that poor man who might accidentally get blown down the street during a severe wind gust.

    Salads are fine, but make sure they are packed with foods he likes. Me personally....I enjoy many different types of salads, but dont really enjoy eating them without protein. Eggs, Bacon, Chicken, Steak, Salmon, & Nuts are pretty common salad items that fit in my macros. They look pretty tasty too.

    Steak Salad

    Grilled Chicken Salad

    Salmon Salad

    Cobb Salad

    The most important part of the salad making process is making sure its tossed. For best results, always be sure to toss your husbands salad completely. Because the best thing about eating a salad (besides it fitting in your goals) is enjoying all those wonderful bursting flavors that come from several variety of foods all mixed together at once. YUM!

    ETA: Fixed the steak salad pic