Greetings from Camp Leatherneck

Hi there!

I'm a US Marine stationed in the aforementioned godforsaken place. Nice to meet everyone. If you're out here stationed and need advice please LMK. Anyway here are my stats:

Training Approach: Power/Olympic lifting (I ****ing hate CF)
Weight: 199lbs (current), 190 (goal)
Height: 6 ft
Country: Puerto Rico
Current diet: Intermittent Fasting ( its a lifestyle, been doing it for the last 2yrs or so)
Future diet: Bodyopus
BF: 11-12%
Goal BF: 7-8%
Hobbies: reading, lifting

Nice to meet you all.


  • TrevorJ76
    TrevorJ76 Posts: 33
    Greetings back at ya from KNAIA. How's the chow there? Chow halls here are killing me.
  • matteoemir
    Chow here is pretty legit, you have plenty of options to choose from. So it's pretty easy to either gain or to lose weight.