MFP - Uncovered Bad Choices



  • SlipperySlope
    Oh, my gosh...HobNob chocolate cookies...

    The bain of my life. When we moved to Britain they changed my life and I never wanted to eat anything else. Months later (when I joined MFP), I realized they are 90 calories EACH. Before I joined, I swear I would sit and eat an entire package (about 18 cookies) watching a television show. Holy COW! (and by "cow" I mean ME...! I definately don't do that anymore!)
  • badrianne
    This might seem a bit silly, but I found it pretty cool when making your own soups. Some soups you can make in bulk and then freeze. Then, of course, you have this giant hunk of soup that you have to work with in the fridge. I heard a tip once that I have done several times with great results. Take the bowls that you will be serving/heating the soup in, line them with plastic wrap, fill with soup, then freeze. After the freeze solid, you can vacuum seel or whatever. When you want a bowl of soup, you just grab one out, put it in the bowl (it is the perfect size and shape) and pop it into the microwave. I do this with stocks and sauces too. Works great, easy to organize and very easy to use.

    This is a really good tip. I have to steal this one, thanks!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Good for you, Carter! And I know about those little muffins at Jason's Deli too! I have an 18 year old son who loves those gingerbread muffins and thinks nothing of eating a dozen at a time! Guess the only positive thing about it is there is no HFC syrup in the muffins!:smile:
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    I thought I was doing well with an 80 calorie vanilla yogurt. I mixed in 1/3 cup of granola and a banana....about 430 calories!! This was only supposed to be a snack!
  • marniehodges
    One of the scariest things to me in restaurants are the supposedly healthy salads we think we are ordering for our meal! Since I started checking out restaurant web sites for nutritional content I have been shocked to find many of the salads (meal size) are 1200+ calories and loaded up with sodium! So much for the healthy choice :ohwell:
  • BoresEasily
    The big eye-opener for me was definitely the soups and pasta sauces. Also the calories in an entire frozen pizza or half of it which I used to eat regularly. I thought I was doing well eating healthy request soup by Campbell's until I saw the sodium count per serving and I used to eat a can of it every time and wondered why I felt crappy or tired after the fact. I was eating nearly my entire DRI for sodium in one can and I was eating it like twice a day. I'm amazed that I didn't have high blood pressure or anything like that with the amount of crap I was shoving down my gullet.
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    I too discovered bad choices, I was generally fine on calories and fat, but had no idea how ridiculous my sodium intake was.
  • idivadi
    idivadi Posts: 222 Member
    Soups and their salt content was a major eye opener. So I made a huge stock pot full of my favorite pepper soup and bottled it. That way I have a couple of cups whenever I want and the rest keeps. (without taking up freezer space)