How to tone inner thighs??? :(



  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    First of all I just want to say these two things before I answer:
    A- You look wonderful and perfectly healthy and sexy. Sometimes we get so down on ourselves and have to find a way to realize if it is realistic in how we view ourselves. WE are our own worst critics.
    B- The thigh is the biggest part of our legs. That is a fact. Even before I gained any weight or had kids, I was so critical of myself when it came to my thighs and legs. It is almost ingrained in us women to want to look like skeletons because of the media. That is an unfortunate fact that is sad but true.

    Now with that being said, there is no reason to not want to improve the cards you have been dealt. Running, walking briskly, hip abductor machines, leg lifts, squats, even some types of yoga or pilates will help you tone that up. Its a process that isn't easy but can be done. Just know that you look great girl. Work on building up some muscle to replace the jigglies in that inner thigh area. WHen you walk or jog try to make sure you really are feeling it in that area. That is what I keep working on and its getting better and better for me slowly but surely. Above all else: you DO NOT need surgery. Don't listen to that shananigans.

    Edit: as far as stretchmarks go, drink lots of water, eat a balanced diet, moisturize a lot, and use a sunless tanner lotion. All that will help camoflauge and decrease stretchmarks.
  • greengoddess0123
    greengoddess0123 Posts: 417 Member
    If your question is about "spot reducing," then the other posters are correct. The only thing that will reduce fat is overall fat loss, you can't target a specific area without surgery.

    If your question is really about making your inner thighs stronger, then I suggest horseback riding. Six months of riding and you should be able to crack walnuts between your knees. :wink:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Thank you, and yep I really hope the fat will just fall off one day lol
    You don't need to lose weight. You are already thin enough.

    As I said in my previous post, please see a professional. It sounds like you have serious body image issues.
  • jeweliets
    jeweliets Posts: 6
    I already see a psychologist for another reason but thank you for your concern.
  • jeweliets
    jeweliets Posts: 6
    yeah its funny how everyone is different :) thank you, you will get there also x
  • jeweliets
    jeweliets Posts: 6
    Thank you very very much for your detailed answer! I guess that's true that thighs are supposed to be bigger, and yes I will start running and building muscle to replace the fat. Thank you again x