Here goes nothing!

sara1882000 Posts: 14 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! My name is Sara and I am brand new to myfitnesspal. I decided it is time for me to be healthy. I've always gone back and forth with being thin and being heavier. I never stay thin because I never truly stick with anything. I get lazy and "busy." Well, I've had enough of it and I got that way from an invitation.

A friend of mine invited a whole bunch of girlfriends and I to meet in Nashville for a girl's weekend in April. She will be doing the marathon and she thought it would be fun to make a trip of it. After several days of thinking "Good for her! I wish I could do something like that," I started thinking maybe I could get in shape and ready for the half-marathon that weekend. Why not also be able to say, "Good for ME?!"
So, today is the day! I have a lot of vices to put down, but it is time!

Today I....

1. Quit smoking. (Started Chantix a week and a half ago)
2. Started watching what I eat. I'm tired of looking at pictures of me from two years ago in which I look slender and in shape and then looking at how I've gotten much too lazy and flabby and can't fit into my clothes.
3. Downloaded this fancy app for my iphone and was pleasanty surprised that I can access it from a computer.
4. Start training for a half-marathon!
5. Decided that water is kind of important.

I know it's a lot. But at the place I am in my life.... I need it.

Love the site and can't wait to be motivated everyday by the wonderful people here!


  • Way to go on getting yourself started! :) It's super hard to get motivation sometimes. I'm pretty new to this site myself... and everybody on here is very encouraging. So, I would like to just encourage you. :) You go girl!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Congrats on making the decision to change your lifestyle. Your story sounds similar to mine . . . always working to stay thin. I am so excited for your new goals. I trained for a 1/2 marathon 3 years ago. When I started, I could only run for 2 minutes on a treadmill but I kept at it and I finished!!! I have two completed 1/2 marathons under my belt now . . . I don't know if I will ever have enough motivation for a full marathon but I figure 2 1/2s make a full, right? LOL

    Welcome and I am here to support you in reaching your goals!
  • chacaruso
    chacaruso Posts: 261 Member
    Congratulations on your decision to make healthier decisions. Reach out if you need help. :happy:
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    the hardest part of adapting to a healthy lifestyle is to DECIDE TO STAR and you have already done this so the rest will be a piece of cake! I recommend writing down EVERYTHING you eat on here and really focus on just one main goal a week. I post pictures that motivate me (skinny jeans, my puppy and husband, etc) on my computer monitor at work to keep me focused. MFP is such a great support system so we are here for you when you need it!

    Best of luck!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I wish you the best of luck. This site will help with some friends who check in on you.

    Good Luck!
  • Good choices Sara, I'm also new to myfitnesspal. I'm a PE teacher that is at least 50 pounds overweight so I feel like a walking oxy-moron. I got married a year ago and have gained almost 10 pounds since then. I want to have a baby, but my doctor has told me to lose weight beforehand. She also just told me that I'm borderline diabetic which is really scary.

    I've always been an active person, but that's no excuse to eat whatever I want. So here it goes! 10 pounds off before Christmas is my goal!
  • Hi, I'm pretty new too and it's been the most successful thing I've tried so far! Everyone is SO awesome and great support, hope you dont mind if I friend you :)
  • Oh, I also meant to add, I trained for a half marathon in 5 weeks with not much running experience before hand and managed to complete it in 2:19. Not recommended, but I know you can do it by april, that is 5 whole months away!
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    Hi Sara,

    I've always said that you can only succeed if your head is in the right place. It sounds like you have made the decision and are determined - with that mindset, you will definitely meet your goal.

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