measuring accuracy?

So lots of people suggest using measurements rather than the scale to check progress, especially if you're weight training. I have been measuring about once a week for the past month, and my measurements seem to fluctuate just like the scale. I'm trying to be as careful as possible to measure the same every time, but I'm not sure if the measurements are supposed to fluctuate. It's not a huge difference--like my hips will be up an inch one week and back down the next--but it is a difference. I don't feel bigger, my clothes aren't tighter, and things are definitely "firming up". I've gained 2 pounds in two months since starting strength training, but because of the way I feel I think it's muscle. I do have a problem with bloating that most likely affects the waist measurement. I guess my real question is, do things like water retention affect measurements as well?


  • Mobil2004
    Mobil2004 Posts: 10
    My measurements have seemed to fluctuate as well. I did finally find a freckle, tan line, stretch mark, scar, etc. to use as a guide in each area that I measure so that I know I'm placing the tape int he exact same spot week to week and since then the numbers aren't nearly as wonky. I have a freckle on my right arm that I make sure to put the tape right on top of each time. It is a little further than half way down my bicep but I figure as long as I'm measuring in the exact same place every time then "where" on my bicep doesn't matter. Also I've noticed that when I do them myself they are really different than if someone else does then for me. Since I know that I will ALWAYS be present when it's time to measure I just stick with doing them myself. I stand in front of a full length mirror too so that I don't have to do a lot of weird bending so read the tape. Interested to see what others say about this as well!
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member
    When I went to the gym I got a waist measurement of 34.5 inches. Then when I did it myself I got 35.5 where do you measure? do you start at the "0" or where the actual tape measure begins
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I start where the tape measure begins. But I am always the one doing the measuring, so that shouldn't be affecting anything.

    Once a year my employer requires a "health assessment" for the insurance, where they weigh and measure. They always get about 2 inches less than me, but they pull the tape measure really tight!
  • Bambi8137
    Bambi8137 Posts: 43 Member
    My job does the same thing, they got the same measure as the gym
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Tape measuring the waist by someone else, I think, is usually smaller because we naturally stretch up a bit and keep our arms up. I have to get measured for work as well and they get 29-30.5 consistently when I get 30-35...
    I also think it really depends on 'time of the month', hormones and water.. I've noticed if I worked out that day, I tend to be bigger on the areas I worked and smaller on the ones I didn't. That being said, personally I weigh daily (small flux don't bother me, I can go anywhere from +-10lbs in a 24 hour period so it's the trend I watch) and tape once a month so I see less change there and can track the trend.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I suck at measuring and am increasing to 2x a week so that I can watch a trend over a few months. (I hope.)

    I've also decided to suck it in each time, since if can never remember what I did last time. "Suck it in" is easy to remember.

    Dropping weight and clothing sizes is good enough to know there is progress, though. /)