35/50 gained back! Need to lose it again (for good)

daligrrrl Posts: 33 Member
Hey there! I've been on MFP per the app for about two years or so. I have lost 50 lbs from it and since November gained back 35 of it. As you can imagine (and possibly some of you have experienced!) this is very frustrating. Especially when very hard work was put in. Soon, I had looked into WW online. I knew that it was sort of silly to do especially when I understand food and calorie counting and being accountable for food intake. But felt it was my last hope. Then thought to actually use the MFP communities as basically the same thing. I have noticed the community is very active. So, I think I'm just going to stay here, make some friends, and lose that 35 lbs gained back and then some! (Btw, does anyone else gain their weight in the winter and find it easier to lose in the summer?)


  • ejdutton
    ejdutton Posts: 329 Member
    I gained after totally falling off the wagon! Have just started back on it so need to get really motivated! Just have to make that extra effort to get back to where I was!
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    perhaps the problem is you're not thinking that what you accomplish here needs to be a lifestyle change rather than a temporary weight loss measure - a diet. motivation will help you lose the weight but keeping it off means continuing what you've done here in a way that's sustainable for the long run.

    good luck getting the weight back off!
  • vlhurley
    vlhurley Posts: 7
    I can relate to all of that. I have gained and lost the same 25 pounds for years and now I've got 40 to go. I always regain it plus extra because I don't stay vigilant about keeping aware of what my daily diet is. I gain weight EASILY. So this is my first time on MFP and I'm also doing it in place of WW. I'm trying to do the whole lifestyle thing 'if it fits your daily caloric requirement you can have it'. So there are no foods I can't have, I just have to do them in moderation. I have some kind of dessert every day so far. I'm not losing quickly but I am losing so it seems to be working. Friend me if you want, we have similar loss goals!
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    YES! Every winter I fall off the wagon because I prefer running outdoors and hate the cold (Texan stuck in Jersey)... theres the 15lbs I lost during the summer right back! Every. Damn. Year.