Fitbit and Days with extra exercise

I use a Fitbit One for some extra motivation and to track steps.

I've noticed on days I don't do to the gym 6000 - 10000 would give me a calorie credit if you like, on days where I go to the gym and walk a decent amount of steps I don't today is an example 6500 steps and 65 minutes cardio in the gym my fitbit calories are zero, yet I've walked almost 3 miles.

I am sure there is an algorythmic or very simplet and obvious reason this is the case anyone know why I'm curious.


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Go to your Exercise page here. Is there a Fitbit Adjustment? If so, click the little "i" to see exactly how it's derived. If not, maybe you don't have negative adjustments enabled and the projected Fitbit burn is not yet above the MFP calories burned goal, so no positive adjustment is warranted yet.

    Or maybe your Fitbit burn data hasn't synched over here yet. Some people say it's delayed for them often. I'm not sure why that happens. Some say forcing a synch with the Fitbit Connect software sometimes helps.