Motivate Me

I've been going through a rough patch in life. Nothing really bad... I'm just dealing with some personal things that have me down. I'm not crying all the time or anything. I'm just lacking motivation. All I want to do is sit on my butt and play on the computer or watch TV.

How do I maintain my motivation and enthusiasm for working out and dieting in this situation? How can I keep that aspect of my life unaffected by my greater ennui?


  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Think about all the hard work you have done so far. Do you want to go back to the way it was just to start over again another time?
  • Starlyte123
    I have this problem a lot. I always lack the motivation to get up off the couch but once I do then I always feel better. I can't tell you the greatest solution but I just internally yell at myself and force myself to get up and do little things around the house until i'm already moving enough to go out and exercise for real.
  • jdsouthernbelle
    I agree 100%......You have come soooo far! You definitely don't want to go back to square 1.

    Keeping busy will help ease the mind of it's troubles. Take a long walk and reflect or do yoga. It doesn't have to be exasperating exercise.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    it must be the weather...someone said that by nature we should be getting ready to hibernate (if you live in the frosty zone like i do) you naturally want to eat your face off and hunker down before the snow just have to push through it...
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    My opinion is anybody who can properly use the word "ennui" in an internet post is doing great!!

    Make your workout either on the way to work or the way home-get your house out of the equation even if it's going to the local high school and walking the track. Too many distractions at home (fuzzy slippers, cozy blanket, tv and that whole kitchen thing). Make certain you only have healthy stuff to eat in the house that way if you do go all bingey you can't do too much damage. Good luck!
  • DondeEstaMiCulo
    I know we're all different, but for me personally it all kinda flows together. Once I start dieting & exercising, it makes me more interested in exercising & dieting. Using a site like this to track my calories and progress is awesome, because I can actually track my progress and see how well I'm doing.

    The other part (and key) to all of this is exercise. I enjoy the gym, but it gets real boring real fast. I recently joined my local crossfit, and I LOVE IT! It's very social, you get lots of encouragement from the other members, and it never gets boring nor repetitious. Might be worth looking in to if you're reaching that "Oh god do I REALLY have to go to the gym today?" phase. ;) I've *NEVER* been as enthusiast about working out as I am now with Crossfit. (

  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Were there any physical activities that brought you joy as a child? If so, I recommend incorporating them into your life again. Doing something you LOVE (not working out, but moving your body as an expression of joy) is more comforting than cocooning (couch-blanket-computer-TV type comforts).

    As a kid (and now as an adult) I loved:

    riding my bike
    dance class
    roller skating
    ice skating

    Doing these activities now brings joy, comfort, and I can't WAIT to get out there and do them.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!
