overweight fitness professional ????

bregrig Posts: 154 Member
Hello fellow MFP friends ☺️

My name is Bre and I am new to this seemingly awesome fitness website. You see I joined because I am a personal trainer and gym manager... and am overweight with a BMI of over 30. My goal here is to meet people. Real, genuine, supportive people who understand the highs and lows of a weight loss journey. I know a lot about exercise and nutrition. In fact I teach seminars on fitness and wellness and design workouts for clients AND graduated with a degree in kinesiology (exercise science) and STILL struggle with food addiction.

I want to encourage those who need encouragement, provide educational answers to those seeking them, answer exercise and fitness questions, along with losing weight myself and finding the motivation in you wonderful people. I'm embarrassed to be heavier than my clients and to have the knowledge I do and don't apply it. I need your help MFP. I love you guys and I look forward to chatting and keeping each other accountable✌️


  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    Sounds like you know exactly what you need to do to reach your goals & you will find plenty of motivational people on here. I do some freelance work for a local fitness company (marketing) but through that get to know all the trainers & group instructors & I know many of them have the same struggle, they have all the knowledge but don't implement it themselves. Great that you have decided to practice what you preach :smile:
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you for reminding me why I need to stop being a hypocrite and show others I can take my own advice ☺️ I am finally ready to stop making excuses for myself!
  • marricurt
    marricurt Posts: 47 Member
    Have Sent you a FR.. I am in a similar situation. :)
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    Know exactly how you feel! Former all-county athlete and now I am unhealthy, need to quit with the excuses and take care of this!
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    you do not look like you have a BMI of 30 in your profile pic
  • lgodwin413
    lgodwin413 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes I also understand. Was an acsm certified fitness professional and now find myself needing to lose 50 lbs. Fr sent
  • Saramelie
    Saramelie Posts: 308 Member
    I was a aerobic teacher and personal trainer at 200 pounds. Sometimes we are better at taking care of others than ourselves... I too struggle with food addiction, I get it. Good luck on your journey!
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you all for the support and understanding! And my face usually looks the same whether I am 130 pounds or 195. The point is I am not the example I want to be at my gym I run and it is shameful to train clients that are in better shape than me. I think there are many fitness professionals who know the ins and outs of exercise and nutrition but make so many excuses and can get into unhealthily habits since we almost think we are 'untouchable' when it comes to weight gain since we preach healthy lifestyles. I like to be an example of no matter how much we know (or even if we have made a career off of being a fitness professional) we can still be susceptible to weight gain, food addiction, stress eating, laziness, etc.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Connect those emotions to food as a way to cope - find an alternative!
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    I am totally encouraged by your story. Thank you for being so honest. I think that is what most of your clients really want to hear because you understand their struggle, their journey. I love it that you are here! I am sure you have a truck load of wisdom to share with us.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement! Though quite embarrassing to admit my struggle and weight (195), I so want to help others to be encouraged. And to all of the fitness related professionals that commented I totally hear you guys and look forward to support and accountability!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    honestly it wouldnt matter to me, but then again i'd only ever go to a trainer for strength and powerlifting help.

    but i suppose if you're the type of trainer o have people doing tricep kickbacks and partial squats on bosu balls, then yeah i guess those clients would expect to be seeing someone who looks trimmer than them
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    Thank you all for the support and understanding! And my face usually looks the same whether I am 130 pounds or 195. The point is I am not the example I want to be at my gym I run and it is shameful to train clients that are in better shape than me. I think there are many fitness professionals who know the ins and outs of exercise and nutrition but make so many excuses and can get into unhealthily habits since we almost think we are 'untouchable' when it comes to weight gain since we preach healthy lifestyles. I like to be an example of no matter how much we know (or even if we have made a career off of being a fitness professional) we can still be susceptible to weight gain, food addiction, stress eating, laziness, etc.

    I think you have all the right attitude. Good luck to you :D
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    You're already ahead of the game since you know what to do, but it's easier said than done. Having the support of others makes a huge difference! Good luck! You will ace this!
  • cristinvl
    cristinvl Posts: 9
    I used to be such an athlete... I too have my issues with food and emotionally eating. I am strong and I love to work out. It makes me feel so much better but wow I am about 50 lbs overweight. I am just bloated... finally got real about a month ago and started working out again... now taking it to next level and logging the food. That is the only way for us food junkies- writing it down :smile:
    If you like friend me.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    You nailed it on the head; I know what to do but just found myself using food to cope with stressful things like death, moving, job stressors, etc.

    And to be honest my clientele ranges from marathon-shape clients to never stepped foot in a gym clients. But when I become winded when I'm showing clients exercises because I am overweight is unacceptable and discouraging. And when I have members ask me healthy foods to eat and I'm giving them my educated list of healthy choices all the while knowing I just ate a whole pizza and cheese sticks the night before makes me feel fraudulent in a sense.

    I struggle with knowing what I need to do but actually changing the unhealthy path that I have walked on the past several months. You guys inspire me reading some of your weight loss stories. I am humbled to be in the presence of those who have fought and beaten this battle without the resources available that I have had and taken for granted. I am looking forward to learning from you guys and also trying to help in the process ☺️
  • alehundrah
    alehundrah Posts: 156 Member
    I think its so easy to gain weight and at times we forget how hard it is to lose it until were actually in that situation. I am totally friend requesting you. We can all encourage each other to lose weight and be healthier.
  • twrobbel
    twrobbel Posts: 132 Member
    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE when my trainers can relate and share their struggles. I take their advice much more seriously because they can relate- they lived it. It reminds me that I can achieve the results I want if I put the work into it.

    I think its awesome that you are on here sharing like this! Looking forward to seeing the changes and learning what I can!
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Thank you ladies! I feel so encouraged knowing I'm not just embarrassing myself by blabbering about my food struggles and blowing up my spot as a hypocritical trainer but actually can relate to most people here. I feel so touched. I really do. I believe I stumbled across this site for a reason :)
  • cristinvl
    cristinvl Posts: 9
    The deal is I know we will have slip ups. I think if I have 5 good days and one bad eventually we will get there. I think I really started three weeks ago. When my daughter got out of school and started tennis camp I joined where she goes (summer membership was inexpensive...) I've been dropping her off at 7:45am and working out for 45 minutes... quick shower and off to work. I am moving so much more. I got on the Higi scale last Tuesday and I weighed 222lbs! This was after running first 1 mile then 2miles the second week about five days so I was heavier than that I am sure. Do you have Higi's where you live?:happy: It is pretty cool- takes blood pressure and weight and then emails the results to you. I had done it for the first time July 2nd of last year and I had gained 13 lbs over the year. Bad habits, laziness, comfort. My daughter is an athlete and going to be a hell of a tennis player (if she chooses to keep going...) She will be 9 later this month. Three years ago I was a pretty good example to her- about twenty lbs overweight but working out pretty regularly and playing tennis myself. When she got more serious we had to move her training...it was not as convenient for me... I am working on changing that.