Keep failing...

How many times did you have to start over before you really started losing weight? I'm losing hope that I'll ever stick with it. I have no self control with food. Not everything I eat is crap but when I do eat sweets it's hard for me just to have a little. I feel like a broken record. :(


  • clay1976
    clay1976 Posts: 15 Member
    Is time for you to change that broken record and make sure to replace it with a record of different tune that will remind you that : "Food does not control me i control the food. I will make sure to use it as nourishment for my body and not eat mindlessly or use it to comfort myself . If i feel the urge to do that , it is time to replace that habit with a new ones that will leave me up-build and refreshed. I will not deprive myself of any food , rather i will choose to be a mindful in what i eat ,because what i eat have a direct effects on my physical and emotional health.I choose to treat myself with love and respect that it deserves and that includes being kind and forgiving to myself and not sabotage my hard work by feeling guilty when i fail in trying to take better care of my health. I will use that failure to recognize my pattern of thinking and behavior and turn things around in my advantage ". These words and much more are in my new record that i choose to play in my mind over and over again when i face challenges in my journey in taking better care of my health .I came to realize and see for myself that in order to succeed in feeding my body right it starts with feeding my mind right and the weight eventually comes off and is lasting, because you change from inside out.You have a choice to throw away that broken record and replace it with a new one . I hope these words encourage you to do that . All the best to you .
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    You're not failing, you're just delaying reaching your goal. I think a lot of people put way too much pressure on themselves and obsess. I look at it this way:

    I already have a 500 calorie deficit built in to my goal. If I just really have to have some treat, and I eat more than the extra 500 calories, then I just log it and calculate how many days I've delayed reaching my goal. Usually it's only an extra day or two. I can deal with that easily.

    Sometimes I eat 100 cals or so below my goal for a few days and then splurge on something like pizza, but I've found that the more casual I make the idea of food and counting, the easier it is to stick with it. I only have enough calories left for half a piece of cake? No problem, I'll just eat the other half tomorrow. I have a craving for pancakes? Sure! Lemme just prep this salad for lunch first. Free doughnuts? Ok...I'll skip my usual Fiber One bar as well as any bread today. It becomes much easier to make these choices and not have them be a big deal the longer I do it.
  • 2istheperfect1
    2istheperfect1 Posts: 7 Member
    I have the same problem you do. I loose weight and gain it. It's almost as if my brain is clicked on for eating healthy and staying active and then all of a sudden my brain clicks off and I gain everything back. I have not found a way to keep the brain clicked on and stay on. I just keep working at it.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    You are probably a secret clone of everybody who's ever tried to lose weight. That's where the saying came from of "If you're tired of starting over, quit giving up!" came from.

    Yes, you can stick with it and lose it. There are some things however that you'll have to come to terms with - most importantly, that you are human. Human's are fallible beings. Humans stumble and fall ALL THE TIME. Can't prevent it. It will happen, and continue to happen despite all our efforts to try to be perfect. Know why? Because Humans are not and can never be absolutely perfect.

    What's that mean? Do not tell yourself you can't ever have that piece of chocolate cake, or "never again" will have cookies, ice cream, chocolate sauce, alcohol, or WHATEVER it is that you love eating most. You will feel deprived, and when you feel deprived, it just gets you in a vicious cycle - "I should just quit. I'm not worth it. I'm just gonna have it, and be okay with where I am because it won't ever change."

    That brings about what else that means: NO MORE NEGATIVE SELF TALK. It doesn't get you anywhere, and it's self defeating. Just don't go there.

    There's an adage I've heard that so often I've posted on the blogs about this farmer sitting on his front porch with his bellowing hound dog. His neighbor happens by, and asks why the dog is bellowing. Farmer says, "He's laying on a nail." neighbor says, "Why don't he move?" Farmer says, "Don't hurt enough yet."

    At some point, something has to happen to make the dog want to move - want to change his current situation.

    My moment came when I went to a school event with my daughter. I could hardly walk to the door - I had to stop a few times on the way, and once inside I had to sit because I was so out of shape - the only place I could sit was on the floor in the hallway. I had the nerve to tell the teachers it was their fault for making me walk so far. Sitting there in the hall, with my daughter standing next to me watching all the people making their way around me and past me was humiliating and embarrassing. It was then that I decided something had to change - I couldn't avoid it any longer.

    When you find that thing that will make you want to move off that nail, you'll quit failing and get'er done.