Share your Heavy Lifting Routine :) (Stronglifts 5x5, etc.)



  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Currently running Bill Starr's 636 routine.

    It's not a routine I would recommend to a beginner (or on a cut unless you're a masochist...).

    I am currently cutting...

    Anyway, it's full body, twice weekly. I've thrown in a deadlift day mid-week because there's no DL on the 636 and, well, who doesn't love to deadlift?

    ETA: Cardio? Well, I walk literally everywhere, so my activity level besides lifting is quite high. Not strictly cardio, but I do like to go at a good clip. I might bung in some running like a 5-miler or some hill sprints depending on how I feel. But I can equally go without. Too much activity doesn't really go well with fat loss. You're better at focusing on doing something well for one aspect of fitness and getting your diet in order for weight loss.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Jim Wendler's 5/3/1

    Monday - Overhead Press - 5/3/1, Bench Press, 5x10, Chin Ups, 5x10
    Tuesday - Deadlift - 5/3/1, Front Squat, 5x10, Abs
    Thursday - Bench Press - 5/3/1, Overhead Press, 5x10, Dumbbell Rows, 5x10
    Friday - Back Squat - 5/3/1, Good Morning, 5x10, Abs

    Where 5/3/1 specifies to a set of percentages you alternate over 3 weeks, basically the "heavy lifting" stuff and the rest is accessory work.

    Cardio is 10 minutes on the heavy bag at the start of each weights workout, and when I want to cut I usually add in some walking and hill sprints.

    I would suggest the 5's Pro from the Beyond 5/3/1 book, but something similar to that.