Newbie, overwhelmed, don't know where to start.

kripstacoolbeans Posts: 8
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Good day!

I signed up for this quite a few months back, but never really started using the tool.

I am overwhelmed and I don't know where to start, so I am just going to ramble on, possibly incoherently!

Ive probably lost about 40 pounds or so, not done the healthy way I might add (not eating because of stress, etc). My life has experienced some upheaval in the last couple of years and has now settled somewhat. My husband and I had split up, sold the house, moved into a basement apartment suite, divorce just finalilzed, that sort of upheaval

I used to have a great gym routine and that seems to have gone by the wayside for a couple of different reasons, as has my healthy(ish)eating. I had a pretty nasty foot injury last year that is seemingly becoming a chronic issue and has sidelined the running I'd been doing.

I'm stuck and i don't know where to start. I'm finding that I'm settling into old habits again (sneaking fast food), and I'm terrified. I know I need a big change, I just don't know where to start and how to make it happen because I've almost grown...comfortable in how I've adapted.

I feel like I have no motivation (other than I know what I *should* do), and little to know willpower, and I don't even know where to start.

I'm really hoping to find some guidance, motivation on this site, it comes highly recommended from a friend of mine.

Thanks for listening! :smile:


  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    You poor thing, but it sounds like you're ready to for a big change - and that is awesome!! Just take it one thing at a time. If it's starting just by counting calories, do that. If you want to start just working out 15-20 minutes/day and slowly build your way up to more, do that. If you want to start by just drinking 8-10 glasses of water/day and slowly build your way up to more, do that.

    The key is, take it one step at a time. Find one thing to focus on. Once you're motivated/encouraged to do more, take on more.

    Took me forever to get into a routine and get my calories under control and start drinking enough water. And it didn't happen overnight... One step at a time.

    You can do it!!
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    Well you've already made the first step and that's asking for support from a great group of people that struggle with day to day life challenges. We are all here because we struggle with the same things and we learn from each other an alternative coping method. I find myself reading comments from the message boards from complete strangers offering help.

    Your in the right place. You've made the right step and we all know how you feel.

    Chin up, new start, new friends = a new and improved you :)
  • hey that kind of stress is enough to make you never want to get out of bed. Start slow, fill your kitchen with good things. Healthy snacks and things that are convienent, this way when your hungry and you think fast food is the best option you have something quick to replace it with. Make sure you have really good sneakers with any kind of foot injury you have to take it easy and have the best support possible.

    start with short walks and maybe invest in some light weights if going to the gym isnt a option.

    Good luck .

    Check the recipe section. if your cooking for yourself the easiest thing is to cook once or twice a week and make enough fro leftovers to bring to work.
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome. I am starting my 5th month on MFP and I love it. It's the best decision I have made in many years. I have lost weight with diets many times before, but it was never a lifestyle change. This time is different; it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend; we can help motivate each other.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    Well, first off, you're not alone! I separated from my ex husband a couple of months after having a baby- and I lost 60lbs from the stress of divorce and adjusting to mommyhood. I didn't lose weight the healthy way to start, and then would have junk food cravings all the time (I still have a weakness for Ben & Jerry's), but avoiding the junk food cravings all together isn't good for you either because you'll cave in one day and overdo it! Allow yourself to splurge a bit, just do it in moderation. I haven't had fast food in almost 3 years (unless you count Subway or Quiznos).

    It takes a little bit of time to get yourself back on track, and once you've given up the healthy food choices, it's hard to get back into it. I know that one all too well. My advice is to just take it slowly getting back into the healthy choices and eventually the thought of eating fast food won't appeal to you. If you're feeling overwhelmed, stop looking at the big picture, and break it down into a day-to-day view so it's a little easier to deal with. One of the biggest things I've done for myself to get on a healthy eating track is to plan out meals a week in advance and then only buy the food I'll need to prepare those meals. It keeps me from going to the grocery store and buying a variety of whatever- it's helped me tremendously with getting back on track.... I've also got my toddler in the habit of eating the same foods as me and he only gets the junk foods (Mac & Cheese, the occasional Happy Meal) on a very rare occasion.
  • Hi!!!! I hope I can help a little. One thing I can tell you for sure is not easting sends your body into starvation mode which in turn stores all the fat from your next meal to help your body in case you don't eat again, so with that being said Fast food is mostly fat so that means your storing almost all of it when you eat it. A great tip that was given to me by my coach was look at the label.. when you read the calories and the calories from fat is half or more then half of the total calories put it down that means you eating mostly fat. Increase your proteins. Almonds are a really good way to feel like you are snaking but in a healthy way. You will be fine and you will be surprised how much your body will start craving healthy foods especially protein. Also its going to take time its not something that your going to just do. It is a lifestyle choice and its going to be hard but aI know you can do it . I have faith in you.. Friend req me on here and I will be here for you every step of the way..Good Luck:bigsmile:
  • Thank you all so much...I'm going to start by actually tracking my food intake, it's not glorious for today I'll admit! But even here I can see where I can eat a little better, and make some changes, one at a time. I have a hard time breaking it down and not just looking at the bigger picture, and it's a great bit of advice to take it a day at a time. :-)
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