Hello! I need to loose 84lb.. 3lb down...

Hi there - My name is Sam and I have just started using MyFitnessPal last week. I need to loose at least 84lb. I have tried various other wightloss programs but this time I feel more determined than ever. For the first time I am actually enjoying working out and, looking at all the sucess stories has really sparked a shear NEED to loose the weight myself.

I have had issues with my weight and a bad relationship with food since I was a teenager. Hampered by some mental health issues I have slowly gained weight (with a few diets in between) to where I am now. Which was a SW of 243lb (height 5'5'') wearing a UK size 22.

Time to do this!!!

So just wanted to pop in to say hi and introduce myself. Seeing how well everyone is doing is really inspirational. If you have any tips, all would be greatly received! I am using MFP in combination with RunKeeper to track my workouts.


  • lisiloulah
    lisiloulah Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Sam,

    I'm also from the UK - I started at 267lbs (19stone 1lb) and have so far lost 45lbs (over 3 stone). I'll send you a friend request, it's nice to have people on your news feed who have similar long term goals!

    Lisa x
  • nuttysam
    nuttysam Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Lisa!

    Lovely to meet you! And well done on your excellent progress so far! I'd love to have a friend to share my journey with.

    Thank you!

  • Hey there. . My name is Fran. I have lost 8 lbs now with MFP but have had a few bad days recently. Am looking for people who are in the same boat as me. I need to loose 84lbs too myself. I am a size 22 too and have a bad relationship with food. I need to control what i eat and do this for life. I have sent a request and hope we may be friends and support eachother :-)
  • nuttysam
    nuttysam Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Fran! Great to meet you :) I am so glad I have started to find friends on here who are working towards the same goal as me. We can definitely support each other. Try to forget the past few bad days - they are history! Move on and get this done!
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi sam this is just a suggestion hun but to me if I knew I needed to lose 89lb I would be defeated before I even started im not being rude as I do actually need to lose about the same myself however I am doing it a stone at a time or 14 pounds however you calculate it I find small goals actually make me feel more successful so far lost 19lb and looking at my ticker it all feels more within my grasp having the smaller numbere today I hit my first target of hitting 182 and so just added 14lb more to my ticker but I still feel like I have achieved everyone is motivated differently but I just think for us beginners starting out setting the small goals can really help
  • CazLovesCalories
    CazLovesCalories Posts: 144 Member
    You can do it, Sammie!! I started off at 266lb!!!

    I got to 200, then gained some back so I am now at 220lb XXXX
  • nuttysam
    nuttysam Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Hun xxxx That gives me great hope! Well done you on what you have achieved so far! We can do this together!!
  • lozlaquinn
    lozlaquinn Posts: 29 Member
    hi Sam my name is Laura and I had 96lbs that I wanted to lose and in the past few weeks I am already down 10.5lbs, so have a similar weight loss goal as yourself. please feel free to add me. its nice to have friends in the same position to cheer each other on xx
  • CazLovesCalories
    CazLovesCalories Posts: 144 Member
    Will give you any help you need. I used to calorie count, have done for ages now...but I joined slimming world 3 weeks ago but I am still logging on everyday to read and comment :) xxx

    ( started at a size 20-22 and I am now a 16 x)
  • nuttysam
    nuttysam Posts: 9 Member
    Slimming world was one of the diet plans I followed previously with some success but, as with WW, I didn't really learn what was happening if that makes sense. As a scientist, I have to know how everything works. I am so far loving the calorie tracking as well as the nutritional targets as it gives me real detailed information of what I am eating. I feel this time I am getting an education in eating right as well as loosing weight :)
  • tvonkeman
    tvonkeman Posts: 14
    Hi I am also from the UK and want to lose about 71 pounds :) Feel free to add me and good luck with this journey <3