Best calorie burning exercise?

Any fitness guru's out there that can advise me on this? I usually walk. Its close to three miles every other day and on my in between days I'm trying to find another exercise I like just to have a variety so to speak. I can do the stationary bike but I would prefer yo be on a. Actual bicycle outside. The elliptical is just plain evil. That is all the fitness vented has where I live besides s treadmill which I loathe and of course weightlifting machines.

I am open to trying yoga or maybe even Zumba, perhaps PiYo when I will not be afraid of getting stuck in a position and the rescue squad is called in. Ive heard running is the best calories burner but I just cant do it for long periods of time. Any help is appreciated, thank you.


  • I was terrible with running,my heart would pound and I'd struggle to breath after about 5 mins. Then I got an app called c25k which eases you into it. It was hard at first but you genuinely see an improvement in your fitness pretty much right away, I stopped getting out of breath on my short runs, now I can run for about half hour without having to worry about passing out :p.

    I enjoy a good swim too, it's exercise but I actually find it kind of relaxing at the same time
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Kettlebells were recently found to burn the most calories per exercise (up to 20 calories per minute aerobically/anaerobically combined)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    the best calorie burning exercise is the one that you will do consistently.

    personally, i love riding my bike, and i love going out to ride. i feel like a little kid every time, just out going for a ride. it could be a quick and hilly 7 miles, or a long 36 mile out and back. i go exploring in my neighborhood and around new york city. or i could change things up and bust out my mountain bike for some trail riding.

    and the great thing is that after a few months of cycling, i tried to go for a run, and found that my conditioning greatly improved and i was able to run for two miles without stopping.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    the best calorie burning exercise is the one that you will do consistently.

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If you can't/don't want to run try incline/hill walking. You can burn just as much as running if you push yourself hard enough on a high enough incline.

    I burn 290 or so calories in 20 minutes walking a 15 grade incline at 2.5 mph
  • EmmaEVille13
    EmmaEVille13 Posts: 69 Member
    If you think running is something for you then go and give it a try. C25K apps are great to get yourself into it. I started by just running in intervals and doing it consistently.

    Do whatever you enjoy. I think the best calorie burn comes from something you fall in love with as you will miss not doing it. That's where you get your best calorie burn from.

    My best weight loss weeks were those where I ran 2-3 times a week and drank at least 2L of water each day and some green tea on top :)
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    the best calorie burning exercise is the one that you will do consistently.
    Another vote for cycling - the range is enormous from cycling to/from the station or shops as part of your daily routine all the way up to burning 4,500 cals in a day.

    Plus I enjoy it!

    (PS - Any cardio activity can take you up to your maximum calorie burning potential if you push hard enough and/or long enough.)
  • MissesBee
    MissesBee Posts: 40 Member
    I used to run quite a lot but it really started to affect my joints so I love doing classes. My favorites are Les Mills classes, especially Body Attack. I mostly do weight training now but didn't want to completely give up on cardio so I do at least one Body Attack class a week and try to fit in 2.

    I have tried both Yoga and Zumba but since I'm not co-ordinated I didn't enjoy them. I found Zumba more complicated than tiring and I love to really sweat at a workout. You burn a lot of calories doing the Les Mills classes and I really look forward to doing the classes. I also tried Meta-Fit but I prefer a good soundtrack when I'm doing a class so found although it's hard work, I didn't enjoy it as much!
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    I love to do zumba! I am not the world's most co-ordinated person but I don't find it difficult to follow, and I sweat a LOT during! :-)
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Any fitness guru's out there that can advise me on this? I usually walk. Its close to three miles every other day and on my in between days I'm trying to find another exercise I like just to have a variety so to speak. I can do the stationary bike but I would prefer yo be on a. Actual bicycle outside. The elliptical is just plain evil. That is all the fitness vented has where I live besides s treadmill which I loathe and of course weightlifting machines.

    I am open to trying yoga or maybe even Zumba, perhaps PiYo when I will not be afraid of getting stuck in a position and the rescue squad is called in. Ive heard running is the best calories burner but I just cant do it for long periods of time. Any help is appreciated, thank you.

    The best calorie burning exercise is one that you enjoy & will continue to do without having to talk yourself into it :laugh:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member

  • rachelhaueter
    rachelhaueter Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for the great tips you guys! (And that picture at the end made me do a snort laughing thing lol). I'd really like to purchase a bike and just go for a ride. Even if I just ride around every block in my complex since the roads are kind of dangerous around here. (I live next to one of the most dangerous Highways in the country, and very close to the Smokies, so idiots texting while speeding around the one lane road with the dangerous curve sign are prevalent around here). But I think it is something I would greatly enjoy. I have to make myself go for my walks and if I wait too late after I get home from work in the mornings, I'll end up talking myself out of it. And the debate with myself on going to the fitness center to stare at the same crack in the weird shade brown wall for an hour......well thats an ugly debate and I'm not even sure who is winning right now.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Thanks for the great tips you guys! (And that picture at the end made me do a snort laughing thing lol). I'd really like to purchase a bike and just go for a ride. Even if I just ride around every block in my complex since the roads are kind of dangerous around here. (I live next to one of the most dangerous Highways in the country, and very close to the Smokies, so idiots texting while speeding around the one lane road with the dangerous curve sign are prevalent around here). But I think it is something I would greatly enjoy. I have to make myself go for my walks and if I wait too late after I get home from work in the mornings, I'll end up talking myself out of it. And the debate with myself on going to the fitness center to stare at the same crack in the weird shade brown wall for an hour......well thats an ugly debate and I'm not even sure who is winning right now.

    Take a portable player with you (or upload audio files to your phone like I do), and instead of music, listen to audio books. Something interesting with a simple yet exciting story to follow, or whatever can keep your interest. I actually can't wait to get on the treadmill every day because of that, because I don't allow myself to listen to that audiobook outside of my workout times. I have more than once extended my walk just because I wanted to know what happens next.