Starting back again would like friends/support

iamkarent Posts: 144 Member
I have done this road before and done really well. I know I can do this...I just got really sick and it stopped me in my tracks and I never got back on my good habits I had established....and let life drama get in my way and went back to eating the feelings..UGH.

I am READY!!! I need to be healthy and hubby has health issues that make it important for him to make changes it will be easier if I am on track too! Good for both of us!

I know what I should be doing...I know I can do it...I just need to make it my habit again....those first few weeks can be rough.

Would love some friends just starting out or well in to their journey.

My focus is on dropping the first 30 lbs...then it will be on seeing what my body can really do :)

I would love to push myself further than I have....I was starting to break through that wall last time...and it was so exciting...I want to be there again.


  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Today is my first day back also. I got down to my goal weight last summer and due to a job change, bad eating habits and no exercise, I gained most of the weight back. I am angry at myself for failing. My family and friends are supportive but do not do any of this with me. I NEED THE SUPPORT!!! Today has started off well. I actually ate breakfast before work and have started tracking my calories again. Heading to the gym tonight too....since I pay a monthly membership and haven't seen the insides of it since last summer. UGH!

    I welcome anyone who can do this with me. It's difficult to do it alone!!! But we can do it together!