what have you given up and what have you added



  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    I've recently had no choice but to give up eating anything with gluten in it. Unfortunately that was a truly large portion of what I ate.

    I've now added more protein in the shape of chicken, turkey and seafood (especially wild Pacific salmon - yum!) and Greek yogurt. I've also added fiber to take the place of all the wheat I used to eat.

    Other than that I still have whatever I want, but I notice I'm a heck of a lot more selective than I was when I was 65 pounds heavier! :smile:
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I have had to give up broccoli, and cauliflower. Can't eat either one raw or cooked due to IBS issues.
    Recently added raw green peppers to this list. Mostly avoid milk, ice cream for the same reasons.
    Trying to get my cholesterol down so have been limiting eggs. Not drinking sweet tea as often; has been a couple weeks.
    Mainly trying to eat healthier in general to one lower my cholesterol, lower BMI (out of Obese level because it bugs me), and lose at least 33lbs give or take.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Given up: chocolate, red wine and processed meat (all migraine triggers but I didn't realize until I cut them out what it was like to not have a migraine. I use to have a square of chocolate with my afternoon coffee every day and it wasn't until I cut it out that I noticed how fantastic people must feel regularly)

    Reduced: all white carbs. If we are eating at someone else's I will not turn it down but at home and when I eat out I only serve/have brown or whole grain

    Added: a garden, we are so busy tring to eat all the veg from the garden faster then the bunnies can get them I don't have nearly as much room for any other food.

    Good for you. I have a very heavy friend who suffers from migraines though I keep quiet about her eating habits. She doesn't like chocolate but I've seen what she buys at the grocery store. Lot's of processed foods....corn dogs, frozen pizzas, frozen hash browns , and sand which meats. Then she'll stop at a drive thru and order so many bad choices. I keep hoping to influence her by osmosis.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I'm about to start making my own spices. Garlic and jalapeno peppers to start off with. So excited. I used to get all hyped up at the thought of a cheat day with cookies and ice cream, now I'm eager to keep adding new, home-made foods to my diet.

    I can't believe my amateur cooking hasn't killed anyone yet. Fingers crossed. I won't try canning for a very long time if ever, though. The consequences of doing that wrong terrifies me.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    I had to give up beef not because it's "bad" food but it's bad for me personally, not really much choice here eat beef and be sick or give it up and feel good. It was really a pretty simple decision but it got me to experiment with many "new" foods.
    Other than that I didn't give up anything, mostly I just found I like some things more than others. Fried food just doesn't appeal to me anymore but if I'm in Maine and fried clams are an option you can bet I'm eating a good portion of them and on the flip side to that I'm determined to walk the beach for at least an hour so I guess you could say I found balance too.

    One of my favorite finds is plain greek yogurt, I use it all the time, mix it with salad dressing, use it in place of mayo, sour cream, add a little vanilla flavor and use it in pancakes, eat it with fruit which is another thing I discovered I was never a big fruit eater, turns out I just needed to make the fruit pretty. I now make up fruit salad using fresh fruit and storing it in glass bowls, it makes me happy to eat it.

    Do you use the yogurt instead of the water in the pancake mix? Never tried it before and sounds delicious.
  • mhoss101
    mhoss101 Posts: 49 Member
    I gave up fast food completely.. and drastically reduced eating out to once a week.. working on giving up coffee (day 3) and diet soda with lunch.. cut back on beer consumption.

    I have added way more veggies to my meals and trying to get adventurous with flavors. I find that onions, tomatoes, lime and some basil and garlic do wonders to chicken, brown rice and black beans..

    Ever notice how gross fast food tastes after not eating it for awhile? I was in a bind and ate some after not eating it for about 2 weeks and it was the most disgusting thing ever.. I'm glad I gave fast food up.. It makes a huge difference. Artificial sweeteners is next.
  • sdouglas0728
    sdouglas0728 Posts: 21 Member
    Well, I'm on a diet because I learned I was diabetic, so I'm giving up a lot.
    My boyfriend recently pointed out that I knew when the Krispy Kreme guy got to the store with the fresh donuts! Obviously I can't have that anymore.
    My biggest change is drinks. I only drink diet coke, water, and coffee now. Before I was drinking probably 100oz of Dr Pepper a day! I'm also a manager at McDonald's, so whenever the kids (I normally work second shift with the 16 year old employees) would make mistakes on drinks (frappes, smoothies, milkshakes) I would drink them. It's a giant change to not drink those. I'm probably eating about 3000-4000 calories less a day without these drinks. The good news is, food waste is down at work because I can't eat/drink the mistakes!
    I added in a lot of veggies and fruits. before I rarely ate any. Now I have at least one salad a day. My favorite meal is to get a grilled wrap with habenero sauce at work and open it up and eat it like a salad.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    So as we all either change our lifestyle or diet I am curious what has been given up and will you ever eat it again or drink it. What have you added. And do you plan on a lifetime like this or just till you lose your weight?

    Myself-I have given up Soda and flavored water with artificial sweeteners. I do not plan on ever having that again. 30 days of water and 1 ice tea a day.So I find it duable.

    Pork products-as I got gout last year. I do occasionally still a slice of bacon at work-But at home I eat turkey bacon.

    Red meat-Bow here I cheat and eat a once every now and again-We go to a buffet on saturdays and I get 2 bites of prime rib. I love ribeyes but Choose not to eat it.

    Gluten in most items-this is due to my Hubby has celiacs and I rather eat and cook one time so I have to be careful of gluten in products

    Processed foods-I do not purchase ready to eat or boxed items anymore-and hopefully never will again

    My additions have been fresh fruit and veges-Grill alot of veges-And eat fruits I do not like-I do cheat and blend them.

    I hope my lifestyle will be a permanent thing. I have never felt so good.

    I'm not sure how long you're doing this, but what you describe here is not sustainable. Unless you have extreme willpower, you probably won't succeed (sorry to be so blunt :frown: ). Instead, cut out one thing at a time, stick to it for a few weeks and try the next thing.

    If you prove me wrong, good for you :smile:

    I think I shall prove you wrong-My husband can not eat Gluten so I do not purchase products with Gluten. I choose everyday not to have soda-And I refuse to buy processed foods. I am doing this for health reasons and when you are faced with make a change or face certain surgeries and possible death. Well something changed in me. So I know I can sustain my goals and continue to eat healthy. Since this is the longest I ever have gone and truly never dieted. Did not see myself fat-Do now tho. And I want to see More birthdays. So here is to me trying to prove you wrong.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I gave up fast food completely.. and drastically reduced eating out to once a week.. working on giving up coffee (day 3) and diet soda with lunch.. cut back on beer consumption.

    I have added way more veggies to my meals and trying to get adventurous with flavors. I find that onions, tomatoes, lime and some basil and garlic do wonders to chicken, brown rice and black beans..

    Ever notice how gross fast food tastes after not eating it for awhile? I was in a bind and ate some after not eating it for about 2 weeks and it was the most disgusting thing ever.. I'm glad I gave fast food up.. It makes a huge difference. Artificial sweeteners is next.

    I eat out/have fast food once in a blue moon (this has been the case even before weight loss) and I love it every single time.. I must be weird. I wish I could wake up one day and find super high calorie foods disgusting. You won the lottery there if that's what was causing your weight gain.
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    I've given up sugar drinks, eating red meat all the time, and snacking all day.

    I've added walking and jogging and eating healthier.
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    I gave up fast food completely.. and drastically reduced eating out to once a week.. working on giving up coffee (day 3) and diet soda with lunch.. cut back on beer consumption.

    I have added way more veggies to my meals and trying to get adventurous with flavors. I find that onions, tomatoes, lime and some basil and garlic do wonders to chicken, brown rice and black beans..

    Ever notice how gross fast food tastes after not eating it for awhile? I was in a bind and ate some after not eating it for about 2 weeks and it was the most disgusting thing ever.. I'm glad I gave fast food up.. It makes a huge difference. Artificial sweeteners is next.

    I had to pick up Carls burgers for a client and the entire time in my truck I smelled rotten meat. Cured me quick of fast food. It had been about 3 weeks. And last night Tacos for Hubby and still they smelled ewww. My only problem is I hate tomatoes and Beans but will figure that all out to. Good luck to you
  • karenMcMillan0712
    karenMcMillan0712 Posts: 82 Member
    Well, I'm on a diet because I learned I was diabetic, so I'm giving up a lot.
    My boyfriend recently pointed out that I knew when the Krispy Kreme guy got to the store with the fresh donuts! Obviously I can't have that anymore.
    My biggest change is drinks. I only drink diet coke, water, and coffee now. Before I was drinking probably 100oz of Dr Pepper a day! I'm also a manager at McDonald's, so whenever the kids (I normally work second shift with the 16 year old employees) would make mistakes on drinks (frappes, smoothies, milkshakes) I would drink them. It's a giant change to not drink those. I'm probably eating about 3000-4000 calories less a day without these drinks. The good news is, food waste is down at work because I can't eat/drink the mistakes!
    I added in a lot of veggies and fruits. before I rarely ate any. Now I have at least one salad a day. My favorite meal is to get a grilled wrap with habenero sauce at work and open it up and eat it like a salad.

    Great Job-Every little bit helps and Mcdonalds was my favorite fast food joint ever. So a whoop whoop to you-keep up the great work
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I haven't given up anything. I just make sure whatever I want to eat fits into my calories for the day and if it doesn't I stay on the treadmill a little longer and make it fit.
    I deprive myself of nothing.
    I will say i've become better at choosing healthier snacks and meals as this means I get to eat more! I LOVE food!
  • Happygolucky53
    Milk choclate for Dark, Is a great one - I have made that swap myself too, and I actualy find I am enjoying the dark choclate more than some of the milk chocolate I used to eat :D
  • little_seal
    little_seal Posts: 10 Member
    Gave up: all meat,fish, milk products, eggs,white bread, processed food(still having it from time to time cause I am still craving cereals, and can foods),sugar,cofee.
    I wasn't eating before and still avoid:alchohol, sodas, oil and high fat foods,excepting all nuts and dried fruits.
    What I will still eat ocasionally or if I really crave it:eggs(in cookies or boiled) ,some processed foods I mentioned before, chocolate(dark or any kind though I avoid milk chocolate-after I gave up sugar it tastes too sweet and I feel how low on cocoa it is)
    Replacements: soy, soy milk, tofu, all nuts, tapioca, beans, rice milk, whole rye bread, seeds, a lot of fruits and veggies, stevia, tea,nutitional yeast, nutritional protein shake, moving more.
    I feel so much great with the change I made,and it's quite easy not to return since my new lifestyle released me from abdominal discomfort and chronic constipation, and I now found the old food not so atractive at taste cause the new ones feel so light and fresh.I am glad of giving up crackers-which I binged most of the time and looking forward to get rid of other foods I still tend to binge from time to time like:white bread, cereals,chocolate.
  • little_seal
    little_seal Posts: 10 Member
    I have recently started using MFP. I am slowly losing about a pound a week. I am starting to learn a lot about portion sizes and measuring. I really miss getting really full though.

    I so know what you mean! I'm not really hungry with my new caloric intake, but because I was so used to overeating in the past, I feel like I haven't had enough unless my stomach feels uncomfortably full. :( Hang in there, it'll get easier!
    August 6, 2014 9:49 AM
    I have the same problem with the need to be full.What worked for me: low calorie smoothies,about 200-300max with added water that filled me up(sometimes I put cocoa in them and make a good replacement of chocolate),and fruits, a lot of fruits.
  • nickisa28
    nickisa28 Posts: 116 Member
    I haven't given anything up because I know one day I will fall off the wagon big time and scoff! Lol I had a sort of addiction to crisps (potato chips to the Americans on here) so I have cut down massively. I would eat them for breakfast! Now I probably only have a small bag once a week and a low calorie option bag. I've cut out chocolate as wasn't a big eater anyway. Although I won't beat myself up if I have one square. I have upped my water intake and cut down on my munched loved morning latte. I also eat a lot more fruit. When I find myself wanting to snack on crisps, I reach for the grapes or an apple instead. I've cut down on carbs. I love bread and pasta so allow myself pasta once a week and only one meal a day to include carbs. Apart from crisps and coffee, I'm not feeling really deprived lol although when I'm making my son his toast in the morning and I'm spreading on the butter, I do have to stop myself taking a bite! I feel full after most meals as I'm choosing things that will fill me up like chicken and rice or a huge steak with veg. I eat back most of the calories I burn at the gym so on the days I don't go to the gym, I am starving :( still,drinking soda but one can a day rather than nearly every drink being a fizzy!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Im trying to give up sugar, processed cereals & white carbs

    Added - I would say more water, Protein, fruits - I need to work out for longer too : )