Been successful on Atkins in the past.

Hello, I just joined this website. I really need to lose a few pounds. I feel my clothes getting tighter and I feel like a beached whale. I am not grossly overweight. Would love to lose ten pounds. The only thing that really works for me is the Atkins diet. I mean full-blown induction with bacon & eggs, etc. It's the only way I can lose anything and actually feel slim & have my clothes fit. I have no problem staying on it. I slowly add back more carbs, little by little. I have tried other diets, but doesn't work like Atkins. I'd like to try something else. Is there some modified version of Atkins? I should also mention that I have a serious Nutella addiction, really. I just threw a full, unopened jar in the trash. I eat it out of the jar. I can eat a jar every two days. That stuff is dangerous. I think it may be the thing that has let some pounds & inches creep back on. I just can't control myself when I'm around that stuff. So when I couldn't fit into my shorts yesterday, I decided, that's it - Nutella HAS TO GO!!! So I guess I'm looking for a low-carb diet, with less fat and meat than Atkins. Any ideas???