

  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Were your clothes getting tight? Your story is also why I stopped distance running. I did a 1/2 marathon in March, and I gained a couple pounds during the 9 months I trained for it. I didn't give myself a "license" to eat whatever, but the fuel I needed to do my training runs, and the ravenous hunger I got from running made me eat more. No more running for me, I prefer HIIT and cross training with weights.

    I so agree with you on this. Anaerobic workouts seem to burn more fat on my body than long distance running.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ummm...what? What are you defining as unhealthy?


    ETA: And exercise is for fitness. If you are concentrating on losing weight, then you should be focused on eating less than your maintenance.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    So true. I keep hearing the same numbers over and over from folks who know what they're talking about.

    80% of the fight is diet based and 20% exercise based.
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I exercise to eat unhealthy every day. I plan my bike rides to fast food joints so I can grub up along the way. It probably isn't ideal for someone with your goals in life but for me it works. Don't really see the point of getting all healthy and living forever if I can't enjoy the glutenous pleasures of life at least occasionally.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I no longer run AT all. But when I ran a marathon in 2010.. I gained 20 lbs. I found that when I ran a half marathon I didn't gain. I also thought I could eat whatever I wanted when I ran a marathon, wrong. I did and well, I think the reason I didn't gain with the half marathon is because I wasn't so darn hungry after my long runs..I'd end my marathon training sessions with breakfasts at Ihop, all you can eat burgers....etc.

    I also ran with a group for the marathon so there were alot of social events. When I trained solo for the half my weight came off. I ,didn't end my half marathon training sessions with bagels or pizza or beer and burgers every run. Anyways..I learned my lesson. I also learned,aside from eating healthy even when doing marathons.. that shorter workouts were better for hunger control than long ones and helped me eat better.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Ummm...what? What are you defining as unhealthy?


    ETA: And exercise is for fitness. If you are concentrating on losing weight, then you should be focused on eating less than your maintenance.

    Haha apologies for the caps. And I should've clarified unhealthy as being eating whatever you want with no concept of caloric intake. My b! And exercise isn't just for fitness.. paired with diet is great for weight loss. Weight training boosts metabolic rate and allows for aided fat loss. Intaking less calories and not using exercising as an excuse to eat whatever you want was the point I was kind of trying to make with the post. Thanks for the feedback!
  • eternalsepicsanctuary
    eternalsepicsanctuary Posts: 12 Member
    I agree... exercising does not mean you can eat unhealthy. I mean you can and you can still lose weight or maintain if you have same amount of cal intake and it's appropriate but think what it does to your body! if you read on all the nutritious values on good food and eating right. Now look at eating crap.. what are you depriving from your body and how does your body keep stamina and in great shape Depleted! sure we can all not drink water and drink other things juice and tonic all day long.. but read about what water does for you. It's about Health not about skinny!!!!!!!!!!! of course, I think most of us aim for both but some end up consumed on getting skinny kick and then some even end up not healthy! so if you gonna go for one thing go for health and skinny will come along with it. :) I don't eat perfect first 2 monthes I think I did awesome! but lately not so good... but I still whether good or bad not think so much on skinny how I think how my body is not oiled up and working at it's max. I also notice some foods are not as good tasting after I've trained myself to hold back and learn about food and the body.. or maybe my taste buds are changing more. Some foods have tons of salt and sugar when I was eating that ALL THE TIME I never really noticed HOW MUCH. Guys healthy is the new skinny.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I agree... exercising does not mean you can eat unhealthy. I mean you can and you can still lose weight or maintain if you have same amount of cal intake and it's appropriate but think what it does to your body! if you read on all the nutritious values on good food and eating right. Now look at eating crap.. what are you depriving from your body and how does your body keep stamina and in great shape Depleted! sure we can all not drink water and drink other things juice and tonic all day long.. but read about what water does for you. It's about Health not about skinny!!!!!!!!!!! of course, I think most of us aim for both but some end up consumed on getting skinny kick and then some even end up not healthy! so if you gonna go for one thing go for health and skinny will come along with it. :) I don't eat perfect first 2 monthes I think I did awesome! but lately not so good... but I still whether good or bad not think so much on skinny how I think how my body is not oiled up and working at it's max. I also notice some foods are not as good tasting after I've trained myself to hold back and learn about food and the body.. or maybe my taste buds are changing more. Some foods have tons of salt and sugar when I was eating that ALL THE TIME I never really noticed HOW MUCH. Guys healthy is the new skinny.

    If you are eating crap, I'd suggest getting some professional help. I hope no one is eating crap.
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    But I really shouldn't have eaten that half a bag of twizzlers when I got in from work, but I was tired and depressed and it seemed like a good idea. Usually eat healthily and followed my macros with treats allowed and feel so much better.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Ummm...what? What are you defining as unhealthy?


    ETA: And exercise is for fitness. If you are concentrating on losing weight, then you should be focused on eating less than your maintenance.

    Haha apologies for the caps. And I should've clarified unhealthy as being eating whatever you want with no concept of caloric intake. My b! And exercise isn't just for fitness.. paired with diet is great for weight loss. Weight training boosts metabolic rate and allows for aided fat loss. Intaking less calories and not using exercising as an excuse to eat whatever you want was the point I was kind of trying to make with the post. Thanks for the feedback!

    So what you are saying (just to clarify) is that you aren't talking about type of food being unhealthy but rather eating calories that would end up being more than what you would need to maintain (even with exercise). If so, I completely agree with that.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    I agree... exercising does not mean you can eat unhealthy. I mean you can and you can still lose weight or maintain if you have same amount of cal intake and it's appropriate but think what it does to your body! if you read on all the nutritious values on good food and eating right. Now look at eating crap.. what are you depriving from your body and how does your body keep stamina and in great shape Depleted! sure we can all not drink water and drink other things juice and tonic all day long.. but read about what water does for you. It's about Health not about skinny!!!!!!!!!!! of course, I think most of us aim for both but some end up consumed on getting skinny kick and then some even end up not healthy! so if you gonna go for one thing go for health and skinny will come along with it. :) I don't eat perfect first 2 monthes I think I did awesome! but lately not so good... but I still whether good or bad not think so much on skinny how I think how my body is not oiled up and working at it's max. I also notice some foods are not as good tasting after I've trained myself to hold back and learn about food and the body.. or maybe my taste buds are changing more. Some foods have tons of salt and sugar when I was eating that ALL THE TIME I never really noticed HOW MUCH. Guys healthy is the new skinny.

    This. yes. you were able to make sense of what I was trying to say, it IS about being healthy. Why would you want to be skinny fat? skinny outside, failing organs inside? I'm fortunate to show the weight on the outside because if I didn't and I COULD get away with eating whatever I wanted then I surely would die from heart disease or another obesity related disease. It IS about health. All of my grandparents passed this year because of poor health from not exercising and eating poorly. And all were thin.
  • bregrig
    bregrig Posts: 154 Member
    Ummm...what? What are you defining as unhealthy?


    ETA: And exercise is for fitness. If you are concentrating on losing weight, then you should be focused on eating less than your maintenance.

    Haha apologies for the caps. And I should've clarified unhealthy as being eating whatever you want with no concept of caloric intake. My b! And exercise isn't just for fitness.. paired with diet is great for weight loss. Weight training boosts metabolic rate and allows for aided fat loss. Intaking less calories and not using exercising as an excuse to eat whatever you want was the point I was kind of trying to make with the post. Thanks for the feedback!

    So what you are saying (just to clarify) is that you aren't talking about type of food being unhealthy but rather eating calories that would end up being more than what you would need to maintain (even with exercise). If so, I completely agree with that.

    Exactly. Though I don't think exercise is an excuse to binge like I was during my training. But obviously it's nice to enjoy pizza and ice cream and whatnot in moderate amounts without binging and not be deterred because of exercise and regular heathy eating
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I get what you are saying. Many people tend to say, " I ran a few miles today, so that means I can eat to my heart's content because I did something. Screw calories!" It doesn't work that way. Yes, we can still enjoy our treats and whatnot, but we must remain disciplined with food as well as exercise by remaining in a deficit in order to lose weight.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    You gained 40 pounds training for a marathon? I'm sorry, but your appetite got way (seriously way way) out of control. That in no way proves most people can't eat some pizza.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I agree... exercising does not mean you can eat unhealthy. I mean you can and you can still lose weight or maintain if you have same amount of cal intake and it's appropriate but think what it does to your body! if you read on all the nutritious values on good food and eating right. Now look at eating crap.. what are you depriving from your body and how does your body keep stamina and in great shape Depleted! sure we can all not drink water and drink other things juice and tonic all day long.. but read about what water does for you. It's about Health not about skinny!!!!!!!!!!! of course, I think most of us aim for both but some end up consumed on getting skinny kick and then some even end up not healthy! so if you gonna go for one thing go for health and skinny will come along with it. :) I don't eat perfect first 2 monthes I think I did awesome! but lately not so good... but I still whether good or bad not think so much on skinny how I think how my body is not oiled up and working at it's max. I also notice some foods are not as good tasting after I've trained myself to hold back and learn about food and the body.. or maybe my taste buds are changing more. Some foods have tons of salt and sugar when I was eating that ALL THE TIME I never really noticed HOW MUCH. Guys healthy is the new skinny.

    If you are eating crap, I'd suggest getting some professional help. I hope no one is eating crap.

    Sometimes my dog eats horse crap.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Since nutrient density and unprocessedness determines healthiness of what we eat, and broccoli is a very nutrient dense food with minimal processing, I'm going to start eating 2000 calories of broccoli every day for maximum health.


    I'll report back in four months with my amazing success story.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I agree... exercising does not mean you can eat unhealthy. I mean you can and you can still lose weight or maintain if you have same amount of cal intake and it's appropriate but think what it does to your body! if you read on all the nutritious values on good food and eating right. Now look at eating crap.. what are you depriving from your body and how does your body keep stamina and in great shape Depleted! sure we can all not drink water and drink other things juice and tonic all day long.. but read about what water does for you. It's about Health not about skinny!!!!!!!!!!! of course, I think most of us aim for both but some end up consumed on getting skinny kick and then some even end up not healthy! so if you gonna go for one thing go for health and skinny will come along with it. :) I don't eat perfect first 2 monthes I think I did awesome! but lately not so good... but I still whether good or bad not think so much on skinny how I think how my body is not oiled up and working at it's max. I also notice some foods are not as good tasting after I've trained myself to hold back and learn about food and the body.. or maybe my taste buds are changing more. Some foods have tons of salt and sugar when I was eating that ALL THE TIME I never really noticed HOW MUCH. Guys healthy is the new skinny.

    Exactly how many decoder rings did I miss today?
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Yes, it does. No one is obligated to eat healthy or be healthy, whether they exercise or not.

    Additionally, if this is strictly in regards to weight loss, then it's still true, and this site has had many successes without surrendering foods or food groups.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I really am addicted to the exercise ... I don't know that I'll ever master the eating. I hear this, and I believe it ... but I do still try to out-cardio my calories! *Ü* There are just so many yummy (but not good for you) foods out there, and unfortunately the "good for you" stuff doesn't appeal. Some people do actually really seem to enjoy it! I know my diet is not good, way too much in the way of sugar and carbs, but I do track and record everything and at least try to keep my calories in check. I am very active, my Fitbit is giving my an average burn about 3000. I TRY to stay around 2000 calories a day, but the "bad" foods do add up very quickly, so it is a challenge. I've been at a plateau now for months, but I'm close to goal too ... but I bet simply switching up what I was eating could get me there, I just can't give up the ice cream!