C'mon people, work with me!

I just saw a commercial that posed the question, “What can you do with rice? Well, pour a can of Chunky Stew over it and you’ve got dinner in 4 minutes for 4 bucks!” Seriously???

Well, there ya go. THIS is why we’re fat, malnourished and out of shape. Funny thing is, the old me would have been all about that meal. I’m single, and busy, and after a long day at work, who wants to cook? Quick, processed food like that was a main contributor to my weight gain. We’ve gotta learn to put ourselves first. Yes, the kids have soccer, and there’s laundry to fold, but you HAVE to take the time to make good, wholesome food for yourself and your family. Most of us spend a LOT more than 4 minutes screwing around on our computers everyday, yet we won’t take 30 minutes to make a decent meal. It took me a while to learn this.

For the new me, my nutrition comes first, followed by the gym, and then everything else. I’ve found that, by investing a little time in myself, I have much more energy and drive to get all that other stuff done, and in half the time since I’m not so tired all the time. Funny how that works.

So chuck that can and get those chicken breasts and veggies in the oven! Good luck!


  • brittanydaniel79
    Oh, I KNOW! The first time I saw that commercial I was like, GROSS! For one thing, it doesn't look good. For another, SODIUMMM, FATTTT. PRESERVATIVESSSS. But, thank you, Capitalism, for ads that promote poor choices.
  • paulagabay
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Love it!!!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I totally agree and I remember seeing that commercial!! Those cans of crap are DISGUSTING! Ever look at the nutrition facts.

    I eat rice plan on the side with chicken or something. It tastes fine with some salt and pepper! In fact, I eat rice just about every day with dinner, depending what I'm cooking. These companies try and do anything to sell. They don't care about anyone else.
  • SkierElle
    I completely agree. I am even in college but I hardly ever eat any sort of processed foods, especially grains. The only sort of "processed" food I ever have is a whey protein shake. but it always has frozen fruit (that I froze myself) and good milk in it.

    I view the canned soups, the packets of ramen, bags of rice, etc as starvation food, something to keep in your house in case of a disaster and its the only thing you have left to eat. thats the only way i would eat them :)

    Why has cereal become such an accepted food for breakfast? especially for kids! It just is horrible. so no one has time to make some scrambled eggs with veggies or a nice smoothie?! it takes like 10 extra minutes! What is the use of saving time and cutting corners with food if you pay for it in the long run with diseases like obesity and diabetes that will kill you sooner!
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    I was that way too and it is probably one reason I'm in this predicament. I'm now living alone so sometimes cooking is not top on my list. I'm trying to cook chicken ahead and have it ready so I only have to warm it up. Also having salad, a little Parm cheese and baked potatoe. Quick and easy after a long day. I see those types of food now and think of all the sodium, fats and all the other unhealthy stuff. It is hard to NOT pick up those things sometimes but training myself.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I used to have the worst time trying to cook for two people. Me and my husband. I used to cook nasty stuff like that. We have 1 year old now, but it's not like she eats as much. It's easier now. I cook lots of veggies, grains, protein. I used to throw leftovers away, but now I save them all and we just eat leftovers for dinner. Leftovers also saves a lot of money! Things have changed a lot.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Seriously, it takes 25 minutes in the oven with minimal effort to throw some chicken breasts and veggies in a pan. No work involved, unless maybe you toss it with a bit of lemon juice and olive oil. Excuses are like armpits, everyone has two of them, and they both stink! LOL