I'd love to have some fun friends in their 20's/early 30's

Hey guys! I've been using MFP regularly for the past few weeks. I have an 80 pound journey ahead of me and would like some more friends to share that journey with. I've just recently started adding friends and I'm really liking the experience on here, so feel free to add me! Here's a little about myself:

My name is Danielle, I'm 23 and a High School teacher. I've been overweight my whole life and have been successful in the past at losing weight. My favorite things in the world are travelling, reading and hiking. Something interesting about me is that I'm pretty tall for a girl. I'm 6'1". Lots of people say I don't look like I need to lose 80 pounds, but keep the height in mind. :)

I'd love to get to know some people on here who are around my age and have a decent amount of weight to lose, like me. I'm currently following Chris Powell's carb cycling plan, so if you're doing that too, even better! Send me a FR with a little info about yourself, I'd love to get some more friends on here to keep each other motivated!

**Disclaimer, I cuss sometimes. I wouldn't say I'm overly vulgar, but if that kinda thing offends you, perhaps we should not be friends. :)


  • Chronicle113
    Chronicle113 Posts: 205 Member
    I had 80 pound journey experience. It just take trial and error to get into the groove of eating and exercising. I lost 60 lbs on my own in a matter of 5 months. I wasn't an expert and I felt as though I could of lost it faster if I knew how to eat right. At that time, I just love to eat. Eat what I wanted but at the same time, exercise extremely. During my times in the Army, I loss an additional 20 pounds. Overtime, I just changed my eating habits to either maintain or lose even more. I realize I just need a slow transition out of unhealthy foods to healthy in order to stay consistent. Now that I have my eating and exercise down, losing weight has become easy. Just my experience.
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    As a late 20s//early 30s high school teacher who has lost 60lbs and has about 20 more to go, curses on the regular, is passionate about travel, and loves to read, I feel like we could be friends.
  • laur917
    laur917 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I've been using MFP for just over 2 months, 29, Medical transcriptionist, i'm crafty, i like reading, traveling, and being outdoors. I've got over 100 pounds to go, but have got 20 down. And i curse on the reg.