Just started CrossFit, advice/tips appreciated!

I just finished my first CrossFit workout today. Whew. Everyone who said it would kick your butt wasn't kidding. Thankfully, I didn't puke or die, so I'm counting it as a success. I'm in a 2x a week Boot Camp type class, that lasts exactly four weeks.

Other CrossFit-ers, how do you enter your CrossFit workouts into MFP? There doesn't seem to be an option for the metabolic conditioning stuff under the cardio option in the "add exercise" section. I'd like to know approximately how many calories I'm burning etc. for these workouts.

Also, does anyone have any words of advice or wisdom they'd like to pass on to a newbie like myself? I'm feeling pretty intimidated by the intensity of the whole thing, and intervals have always been pretty difficult for me. But people seem so passionate about it, I figured the least I could do was try it for a month, and see how it goes.

Thanks in advance!


  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    This probably won't help but I calculated my TDEE so I don't count any calories burned doing crossfit I just add 1 calorie burned. As for any other advice I would say don't worry about the clock or any of that stuff, take your time and make sure that your form is correct and get some guidance if something doesn't feel right. The classes can be a lot of fun so enjoy it and don't kill yourself.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Join the MFP group Crossfit Love because there are a lot of haters in the general forum and that way you can get your questions answered without a side of snark. :tongue:
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    Join the MFP group Crossfit Love because there are a lot of haters in the general forum and that way you can get your questions answered without a side of snark. :tongue:

    Good advice ^^
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Make sure your form is good, otherwise you can hurt yourself, and do your best. Enjoy.
  • KellyL23
    KellyL23 Posts: 81 Member
    Just have fun! Scale workouts to your comfort and ability, and eventually you will be able to increase the weights/movements as you get better. I think it takes a few weeks before your lungs "come in", so be patient, and just have fun. Joining crossfit was the best decision I have made, and almost 2 years later I am still going 3-4x per week, with no injuries (knock on wood).
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I started CF in October and my fitness level at that point was pretty much non existent lol. My advice is to go at your own pace. Challenge yourself, but know your limitations. Learn the correct form before doing any challenging weight. Modify what you need to. For amraps, push yourself, but don't rush anything. And if anyone tells you to do anything that you KNOW you can't do yet, don't be scared to tell them that you are working at your own pace. I am lucky to have trainers that are kind of laid back and won't try to pressure me. Now, I can do just about everything that I wasn't able to do in October. Modifications and scaling works!