In Ketosis not losing weight (?)

Hey all, I hate to be that person who is posting about weight (as I know it doesn't mean everything), but I am confused why I haven't lost at all and even gained 2 lbs last I checked (could be water weight I know).
Here's the situation:
1. I've been in ketosis for 1 1/2 weeks now, as checked every day with ketostix
2. I have been drinking WAY more water than usual (about 3-4 32 oz water bottles a day), and I read that helps to have a more accurate scale reading actually
3. Possibility eating to little based on exercise? I only recently started increasing calories from exercising more, but it feels like its too much
4. I try to be very thorough about my food diary accuracy (measure everything out)
5. Recently started working out rigorously and weight training (upper body, due to recent lower body injury) more (HIIT, weights, interval on cybex, stair climber, and CorePower yoga) -- I have been able to increase arm weights by 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks

I am 5'4, 21, and 145 lbs. My diary is open! I would appreciate any advice or input from others with a similar experience.


  • Find a ketosis calculator online where it tells you how many carbs, protein and fat you should eat according to your weight each day. It tells you percentages and grams. Set your my fitness pal goals to that and you are able to track it. :smile:
  • Watch out for hidden sugars - I was using Splenda then switched to Stevia in the raw... kept having issues staying in ketosis... I researched the ingredients and found out both had fillers with forms of sugar like maldextr... should have written down the ingredient.. anyway... Those sweetners are apparently ok for general low carb and diabetics but if you want to do the ketosis consistently sugar is not going to help in any form... I looked for ever and found "ez sweets" which is basicly pure sucralose.. like splenda without fillers.... amazon has it pretty cheap - about $13 for liquid version which is supposed to equate about 800 splenda packets.. It was on dr oz show too... hope this helps with the ketosis....

    Ohhh yes also if I ate too much protein or Nuts in one setting I would drop out of ketosis... not keep up the pace on weight loss..

    Yay Ketosis