Hi there

tizzardc Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
hi there my name is Candice. I am a 33 year old mother of 2. While pregnant I gained alot of weight. I felt so bad about myself and I know this sounds bad but I dont want to be my mother. I joined weight watchers for a year and lost almost 50 pounds. I feel now that I can do it but need continued motivation and support as I am a not so closet case night time nibbled. My night time eating is so bad right now that I've gained 2 pounds. I feel like I am loosing control of all my hard work and self motivation. So I havecome here to look for friends to cheer me on. Pick me up when I am down. Kick me in the butt and tell me I CAN do it. And mostly I am looking for alot of motivation when I can't find my own. Hope all u lovely people can do that for me

This was written on my I phone I'm not the best speller and I phone makes it worse. Thanks for the patience


  • Hi there, My name is Karla and I am on a goal to get back to where I am most comfortable. I moved to Germany 3 years ago, my husband is active duty, and was so happy at the time. I was finally with my husband since we had just gotten married and I was at a weight that I was very happy at, mind you I have curves and will never desire to be a size 2, lol. But then I got pregnant which was great but I gained a lot of weight and just let myself go. I have tried to lose it, but its hard. I don't have the family support I would love since all of mine are back stateside, and my husband can pretty much eat anything and not gain weight. All my energy goes into taking care of others and never have time for myself. I had my son about 4 months ago and gained little weight with him and managed to lose all the baby weight, but I still have everything to lose that I initially needed to lose. So now I am on a goal to lose about 30 lbs to get back to my happiest and healthy weight. I recently joined zumba and began my pilates routine again, but my problem is keeping up the motivation needed to lose it. I had lost about 5 lbs and was so proud but in a heartbeat let my guard down and gained all of it back; that just bums me out even more. So I am hoping that you guys can keep me on track! thanks!
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