Newby! from Uk

Hi guys!

Well I joined this a week ago after trying (and failing) the cambridge diet numerous times... It works but when I fell off the wagon, I binged! so thought I would give this a go - and it seems to be working!

I started cambridge at 12st 9lb and got down to 12st 4lb... Bought myself some new scales expecting me to have put it back on but with sticking to this for a week I have lost another 2lb so all in all I have lost half a stone....

I am looking to get to 10st 5lb so am looking forward to sticking to this - have the iphone too and find it is the easiest diet ever to track!

Good Luck to everyone!

:) x


  • simply_healthy
    simply_healthy Posts: 175 Member
    All the best ! I m sure u will do it ! :)
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good luck. This site is the best!
  • Vivx
    Vivx Posts: 121
    well helooo miss uk !
    finally someone else is on this !
    im from glasgow honey were you from ?
    i was 11 .5 st and looking to get to 8.7 so any support or anything mail me and weel have a wee chat !
    but welcom to mfp its great and its a good help iv tried every other diet ! and failed miserably ! x
  • MissJennaBelle
    Hello! ...I'm also from the UK and welcome to MFP. Best thing that ever happened to me was discovering the app on my phone then getting signed up on this website. The app makes it so easy to log food when your on the go and when at work I go on the website in my lunch hour... check out new topics on the message boards...and reading about people's successes for motivation.

    Good luck with your progress!

    Add me as a friend if you want :smile:
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome. I am starting my 5th month on MFP and I love it. It's the best decision I have made in many years. I have lost weight with diets many times before, but it was never a lifestyle change. This time is different; it's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good luck on your weight loss journey. Please feel free to add me as a friend; we can help motivate each other.
  • thepurplestar
    thepurplestar Posts: 28 Member
    Just bumping this up, have been around on MFP for a while but am seriously back on the wagon again :)

    I've lost 10lb in the month up to Christmas- put 5lb back on over the last week, but expect it to go fairly quickly as I am being ultra strict on myself!