The dreaded...chinese food!



  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    My personal choice would be not to order it at all. My favourite dish is worth a few thousand cals and I have no willpower to not eat it all after ordering it. And I always have the guilt afterwards.
  • CookNLift
    CookNLift Posts: 3,660 Member
    Occasionally I like to just order a bunch of chinese food and eat it all. I've definitely cut back on it and only do it once in a great while now, however it still sucks feeling the post-chinese food guilt. I'm curious what you lovers of chinese food do:

    A. Just order what you feel like and forget about the calories
    B. Don't ever order it
    C. Eat a small amount of the high calorie dish you really want that would fit in to your daily calorie goals
    D. Order from the Steamed part of the menu and try to pretend it's the real stuff
    E. Cook your own at home

    A. / C. / D./ E.

    I'll order whatever I feel like ordering but just fit it into my macros and use the leftovers for the next day so I don't have to worry about cooking or doing meal prep for one meal. The steamed menu is actually my go to lunch if I forget meal prep because the steamed chicken is absolutely amazing tasting, and I can use it to make my meal prep super easy. I spend 5 bucks for a large order of steamed chicken, steamed broccoli and get 2 pints of brown rice which turns into 4 nicely portioned meals.

    Of course I'd much rather cook it at home, and since I love asian food, I tend to do this more often than not....but then again it never tastes the same as the chinese restaurant so screw it I have a little fun lol