Can you effectively workout at home?



  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I only workout at home -- travel time can't be beat, and you can wear what you want -- :)

    Uh oh. Do we have a nekkid exerciser over here?? :wink:

    Anyway, I love the apps 7 minute workout and You Are Your Own Gym. I find it hard to get the motivation to workout at home, but the more I verbalize it with my partner, the more likely he will find something do to or somewhere to go while I focus and workout as quickly as possible. There are a lot of tools out there. Once you find a pattern (for example 3 exercises, 10 reps of each per round, minute break in between rounds, do 10 rounds) you can switch out the exercises to whatever you feel like doing. I also do Deck of Cards: assign an exercise to each suit, aces are 11 reps, face cards are 10 reps, split into 4 piles so you can space out your breaks, and turn on some good music.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I've only ever worked out at home. Right now I'm doing P90X3 bc it takes all the guess work out and Beachbody is effective (nope, not a coach. And don't want to be one, and I'm not looking for one -- sorry about that). I've completed T25 & Insanity and lost 20 pounds - if I cut some of the snacks and things I eat, it would have been more. I've also done Wii Fit before, and the Wii had a Biggest Loser game, that was awesome. I sometimes do Ballet Beautiful.

    I refuse to pay a monthly membership to something I know I won't go to. My life is too hectic to even think about going to a gym. I've gotten all of my Beachbody stuff from ebay or for free from friends. Working out does not need to cost an arm and a leg.

    I'm a lot stronger than I used to be. I can do at least 10 push ups in a row and I got there without a personal coach. And one day I know I'll be able to do pull-ups. Once I can get a pull-up bar, I'll work towards being able to do multiple ones in a row.

    It really comes down to holding yourself accountable and having a plan and sticking to it.
  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    I have been working out at home for years! I prefer it over the gym. I've done all kinds of stuff like Tae Bo, Carmen Electra, Jillian Michaels, Pilates, Insanity, P90X, Les Mills Combat, Insanity, Focus T25, and now PiYo. I love them all and have seen GREAT results. :)
  • Gunddy
    Gunddy Posts: 1
    I am new here and this caught my eye. I have NEVER EVER thought I would work out at home. Just did not think I had the motivation and would be interested in following a DVD. I started by ordering 21 Day Fix DVD and containers only (Not Shakeology) and challenged myself. I LOVE IT. These were 30 min or so work outs, working multiple body parts and they went by so fast. You have favorites and not so favorite DVD days, but feel great after you do the ones you hate and actually look forward to the ones you love! After trying 21 days for one session. I was bored of those DVD's and order ChaLean Extreme!!! WOW! I CAN NOT BELIEVE i have now worked out 5 days a week for a month. I am on the Burn Phase. You need weights for this program or resistance bands (winners). But let me tell you, she is like having a personal trainer. Better than gym as they don't check your form enough and she talks to you the whole way through. I never really sweat when working out and I AM DRENCHED with this program. I am now ending my gym membership and going to keep buying different DVD's as they are so convenient. You work out at home, jump in your own shower and DONE!!! I have so much more energy for my three boys and just feel so much better (mentally over all).
    Well that's my two cents ;)
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I love, love, LOVE our elliptical. Probably the best $300 we ever spent. We added a recumbent stationary bike a few months later. My husband and I each lost 100 lbs last year with these two pieces of equipment (plus a couple of sets of dumbbells). Now I run outside sometimes, and he has been biking for the past few weeks. You absolutely can get an effective workout at home.
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    I do only JM DVDs (well, I also do a lot of walking at work and around town, but that's part of my activity level, not "deliberate" exercise). Seems to be working okay so far as well as weight loss, and I also feel stronger and have seen fitness improvements, like being able to go from a "girl" push-up to a "guy" version and having longer plank times.
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I workout at home often. Yoga, stretching, choreography and dance technique practice, calisthenics. I usually run a few miles to warm up before stretching or yoga. I don't use DVDs or anything, but as long as I work up a sweat I consider it a workout.
  • nlcs_nickyv32
    I can effectively workout at home. I have my own squat rack, bench, and olympic bar and plates and a couple of bumper plates. I have everything I need. And for cardio, I just go outside and run for a while. It helps to have a room dedicated to exercising. But going that route was costly. I spent close to $1300 on everything including the mats I bought from Tractor Supply I can say that they are really good at protecting your floor. The one's I bought are 6'x4' and 3/4" thick.
  • erinelissa91
    erinelissa91 Posts: 63 Member
    I havent stepped foot in a gym since the beginning of my weight loss journey. I think it takes more motivation and self discipline but it can certainly be done and be effective. I use for HIIT And other various workouts and then I lift weights that i bought at a yard sale for cheap. My spare bedroom has become a home gym kind of and I feel so comfortable and relaxed at home.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Absolutely! I have a membership to the YMCA but I also have a lot of home equipment… recumbent bike, treadmill, gazelle, dumbbells, barbells, kettle bells, and benches.

    Fitness Blender has great videos. Jillian Michaels has a number of videos on YouTube as well.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I do all the time. I can't afford a treadmill or anything (though my one sister has a treadmill, and the other an elliptical - and I'm about [this] close to getting the one to give me her elliptical), but I make use of what I do have.

    If you don't want to waste money on the DVDs (and I wouldn't blame you), Youtube has a LOT of work out routines. You can switch it up all the time. I, personally, love Jessica Smith. She has a website, just Google the name. She has a great personality, and a cute dog. Another thing I like to make use of are work out apps. Sworkit is a good one, and links to your MFP account to automatically log routines. Of course, that presents that problem that you can't cut them in half if you prefer to do that for a more accurate estimation.

    I have resistance bands, which I use on my light routine days. I, also, have a pilates kit. I love my Pilates . I have two sets of dumbbells to add a bit of a challenge to cardio. And a set of weights for strength training. I, also, like my ball. It makes cardio interesting, and can make certain exercise moves a bit challenging (planks, sit ups, etc).

    And then, sometimes I just do random work outs. Like 100 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, 30 second wall sit, 60 second plank, 10 burpees, 50 sit ups. And just do whatever gets me moving. I find it really helps to do this if I time myself.

    And of course, I walk a lot. And sometimes I get bored of walking, so jog for a few minutes.

    Anything to get moving occasionally.
  • derik999
    derik999 Posts: 73
    Check out these resources
    Convict conditioning
    Nerd fitness
    Strength unbound
    Al Kavadlo

    Yep, doing CC as well. Just need a decent pull up bar and maybe a bench if you are starting out with the lower level steps.

    If you are in shape enough to handle it you can always jump rope. This is another inexpensive option. Kettlebells are another option. You may have to invest some money in them in the beginning but they will be less expensive in the long run compared to a gym membership. Plenty of cardio options without needing any equipment as well.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    get yourself some resistance bands. look up workouts with resistance bands on youtube. there are plenty on there. all you have to spend is twenty bucks. For cardio go outside and/or look up some workout videos on youtube. there you go. home workouts for not so much money.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I used to workout at home and I've never in my life had a workout DVD. My workouts were effective...lots of body weight resistance movements and some band work coupled with some running and riding my bike.
  • JMommy0917
    I work full time and have a 2 year old and 3 month old so I don't have time for the gym. I lost over 50 pounds after having my first child doing Leslie Sansone's walk at home tape and a Prevention flat belly dvd. I'm going to try biggest loser and Jillian Michaels tapes. Leslie Sansone is good to start off with if you are out of shape (like me).
  • akuaafriyie
    akuaafriyie Posts: 21 Member
    I only work out at home. i am a student so i dont have the time or the money to go to the gym. youtube has free body weight exercises all you need is an internet connection, a hard floor and your body. is my virtual gym.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    Do an internet search for bodyweight exercises. You can get a good workout with no equipment at all.

    At least twice a week right now my workout is taking turns shagging ground balls and pop flies with my 13 year old daughter. It's great family time and she appreciates me helping her practice.
  • macdiver
    macdiver Posts: 145 Member
    Can you? Absolutely!
    Are you likely to? Absolutely not!

    I think someone is just as likely to work out at home as go to the gym. Gyms sell plenty of memberships expecting that there will be mostly no shows. If everyone who belonged went to the gym then the lines would be huge. I heard the average is around 30% who belong actually go. Don't know if that number is true.
  • sstermole
    sstermole Posts: 37 Member
    I only workout at home! The key for me is variety! I've done many different things! I just became a Beachbody coach, and doing PiYo right now! Awesome workout and low impact!