I know this is a crazy question

but I'm going to ask anyway. I started back at the gym yesterday. I woke up today in pain. My legs, stomach, arms, shoulders. Anyway, my question is when you are sore from working out, does that mean you did something wrong with the workout, or is it a good thing because you actually worked those muscles.

I know crazy question, just really worked at it yesterday, no more jabba the hut look for me.


  • RozzieVox
    RozzieVox Posts: 2
    Congratulations tammy you must have done a great workout !!
    Yes it is common to feel pain after a workout, because you used those muscles, which probably have not been used since the last time you did a workout.
    The pain is good, learn to embrace it and enjoy it because it continually reminds you that you worked hard and your body will be fitter, healthier and leaner because of it.
    Of course after a few weeks of working out you will not be in so much pain, when this happens to me I feel it is time to up the weights or to change my workout routine to embrace a different set of exercises.

    Keep it up tammy :-)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    but I'm going to ask anyway. I started back at the gym yesterday. I woke up today in pain. My legs, stomach, arms, shoulders. Anyway, my question is when you are sore from working out, does that mean you did something wrong with the workout, or is it a good thing because you actually worked those muscles.

    I know crazy question, just really worked at it yesterday, no more jabba the hut look for me.

    Both. The soreness comes primarily from using muscles you haven't used in a while, and is part of starting up a new program. However, the degree of soreness means you likely did too much too soon. That doesn't mean you hurt yourself or anything like that--it primarily means you are putting yourself through more discomfort than necessary.

    At this point, the damage is done, so grit your teeth, work through it and you should be fine.
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    Excellent thank you both so much. I felt so awesome yesterday after working out, I was so energetic and I feel I am more energetic today too. I will just keep on keeping on. Again thank you.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Make sure you know the difference between being sore from
    Doms and injuries.