Lacking motivation

Hi everyone. Three years ago I lost 2 stone with weight watchers and was happy with the weight I was able to get to. However, recently (stress related I believe for a range of personal reasons) I have noticed just under a stone creep back on. I can't afford to do WW again so have been using MFP to try and keep an eye on what I am eating. I do an hours zumba once a week and try to get out for a 30 mins walk at work at least 3 times a week. I had started Couch25k too but I have had a busy few weeks and have been unable to go for runs, hoping to start it back up this week. I have been tracking my food for about 6 weeks and I don't seem to be going anywhere, if I eat any less I struggle with hunger pangs and symptoms of low blood sugar. Any suggestions?? I would like to start with some strength exercises too but again have no idea where to start?