Calorie Counting with Fitbit vs MFP

When I started on my new lifestyle I did so entering everything that touched my lips on Fitbit. In time, I found it a little limiting because there were so many things I could not find in their database. Many, I could just ad myself but others where nowhere to be found and when I would do a search for them I would find them on MFP. So I've been using this for about a month now but I just decided I'm going back to Fitbit. Why? I find MFP very limiting as far as keeping an accurate journal of your calories. I don't always eat the suggested serving size. I might have more or I might have less. In addition, 3/4 cup of, for example, cereal, is not necessarily the 55 grams of the suggested serving since cereal is not a liquid (and this is just one example of many). With MFP you only have one way to enter food weight or volume. Even for the same food you can opt to have different types of measurements (grams, ounces, cups, etc). In addition, If I enter a serving as 55 grams but eat 57 it will calculate that rather than having to figure out that I had 1.1 cups rather than 1 (which, again, is not even accurate). There is already such big margin of error when eating out that why make it difficult at home too? For example, I am currently on vacation and have eating a lot of meals out. On days where I walked a lot (like the day before yesterday where I logged over 20 miles) and ate what I thought had me at a 1000 calorie deficiency I gained weight whereas on a day like yesterday where I only walked a little under 14 miles but had what I believed to be only a 209 calorie deficiency I lost weight. It makes no sense. So I'm just going back to eyeballing what goes on each piece of food I eat when I go out and use the security of exact measurements when I'm home since that got me to my goal weight.
I have noticed, however, that while what I log on MFP goes to Fitbit it does not hold the same the other way around so that right now MFP shows I have not had anything to eat. Is there a fix to that?


  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I don't think the Fitbit food log is sent here, just vice versa.

    I don't think you can equate one day's activity with that day's (or the next's) scale reading. At least I can't.

    I find the MFP database has a lot more options for grams, etc. than Fitbit's database but each has nice features the other lacks. It's good if you found one you like.