
I haven't used Twitter before, so I'm really not familiar with how it works. I'm hoping someone can tell me whether people here are using it to find support and motivation when you're away from the computer and unable to access this community? I'm really excited that my mobile ap lets me carry my food diary with me, but I miss the personal support during the day. Can Twitter be used to help us stay in touch when we can't access the message boards? If so, maybe someone can let me know how to set it up? Thanks & Cheers!


  • techcommdood
    techcommdood Posts: 37 Member
    Twitter is 100% public unless you lock your profile down, in which case only approved people can see your tweets. If public doesn't bother you (as it doesn't bother me) and you join you can friend me (billswallow). Just send me a message indicating you're from myfitnesspal so I know who you are. :)
  • Zuznana
    Zuznana Posts: 284 Member
    I'm there as well. You can add me. Zuznana is my tweet name there as well. :o)
  • Rivah67
    Rivah67 Posts: 91 Member
    i'm there too. and i'm commonasmuck every where :) feel free to add me