more calories during TOM?

so, i've searched the web to try and find a conclusive answer, but there never seems to be quite a definate answer. during that time of the month, do our bodies require more calories (around 100-200) or the same amount? thanks :)


  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    i don't know if the body actually *requires* it, but often times the day before my period i'm ravenous and will eat almost everything in sight. i can only assume that is my body saying it needs *something* and is not getting it.

    i have heard claims that before and during menstruation it's good to eat iron-rich foods because of how much blood we lose during menses. at any rate, it doesn't seem like a bad idea, unless someone has an issue with too much iron or some other condition.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    There is no reason to increase your calories during that time of the month! If you are more hungry, or have cravings, and you don't have enough calories to eat, then get some exercise in. If you get a good exercise in, with a good amount of water, you probably won't even feel like eating after that. Drink more water during that week and it will help with the water retention, too. I am not an expert, but there really is no reason to up your calories during that time of the week.
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Good question!! Would like to know this aswell. TOM started today *thanks mother nature* and im on 1200 cals per day, will try not to go over but i would of thought your body needs more than that?? :noway: . Think my main bad thing during TOM is that i drink hardly anything... this is not good! lol.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I always crave red meat during my TOM, but I don't think its the calories. I think its the Iron.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    There is no reason to increase your calories during that time of the month! If you are more hungry, or have cravings, and you don't have enough calories to eat, then get some exercise in. If you get a good exercise in, with a good amount of water, you probably won't even feel like eating after that. Drink more water during that week and it will help with the water retention, too. I am not an expert, but there really is no reason to up your calories during that time of the week.

    i think you're right in saying to drink more water - absolutely! but i would be careful about keeping *very low* calories during a period. with all the blood we lose, we also lose nutrients, and i think this is why we tend to want more food during this time.

    yes, drink more water. if you need to eat a little more after drinking the water, don't fret. that doesn't mean go to town on crappy food, but if you need to eat, eat. just try to make your choices a little better.