Hating myself :(



  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all , I recently got back from a trip of a life time in Vegas and recently photos have appeared on good old facebook and I actually feel sick looking at them :( Since Feb this year I have lost over 20lbs but still not even half way to my goal . Seeing these pics has really knocked me and I don't know why :(
    I can't go to the gym so currently sorting eating and exercises at home and walking more and looking to join classes but I feel so sick from the pics I am too ashamed to join up .

    Anyone else ever feel like this ?

    Hey! I know how that goes with the pics on Fb...

    I have lost 46lbs in 6 months and if you have lost 20 since Feb, that's not too shabby! Good job on that.

    I NEVER went to a gym or used a trainer!!! You don't need any of that to succeed in this. If you WANT to use those tools, that's great but don't feel like you NEED it. I'll friend you and maybe can help you out of this slump you're in! You can do it if I can, and I'm not just saying that. I mean it.

    Best of luck! Stay committed! :flowerforyou:
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I have a cat that weighs 20 lbs. Trust me, it's a lot of weight.
  • troelsandtheis
    troelsandtheis Posts: 45 Member
    I'm going on holiday this weekend and all I can think about is how hideous I'll look in photos and annoyed that I didn't start eating better sooner BUT I'm doing something about it and I'll be thinner than I would have been if I'd stayed eating the way I used to. When I lost weight a few years back to be honest I still felt like that when I was thin, not disgusted by any means but you never really realise how you look after you lose weight, you will always judge yourself and see your old self but be positive and know that you're doing great!
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    I have a cat that weighs 20 lbs. Trust me, it's a lot of weight.

  • Red_sparkling_Titania
    Don't allow yourself to give into the negativity your kind distracts you with because YOU KNOW you're BETTER than that - you know you are CAPABLE of reaching your goals.
    You've come so far. Don't let some pictures get in the way. Never be ashamed of who you were or are as it's who you where or are that will get you to your GOAL.
    GET UP -- SMASH those exercise to pieces (you don't need a gym) -- REPEAT
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Just about every day of my life....