Pregnant Weight Control???

Ok, I know I'm going to gain more weight, because I'm pregnant. I only have about 2 1/2 more months to go. I have not been watching what I eat, or working out at all. How can I make this website work for me?
Right now, I have it set on maintaining my current weight. I know that I will still gain some, but maybe that will keep me on track to not gain anymore than necessary?
Also, as soon as I am able, I want to start running again. I think if I'm at least walking right now, I'll be at a better starting place than I am now, for sure.
So, any suggestions?


  • Degren
    Degren Posts: 80
    I think your plan is a good one. You are wise not to try to lose weight while pregnant. Keeping track of your food with this site will help you to be aware of the empty calories in some foods. You can also set it to track certain nutrients, many of which are important when you are pregnant (calcium for instance), so you can use it for more than just calorie counting. Walking is an awesome pregnancy exercise. After the baby comes, you can get one of those baby jogger strollers and pick up the pace.

    On another note, congratulations!
  • lkelly
    lkelly Posts: 15
    I used this site while I was pregnant (my daughter was born in July), it really helps you maintain and it curbs the mindless eating. I still had my cravings, but I searched for more nutritious options instead of those darn oreos that kept calling my name.
    Congrats on your pregnancy!

    "If you bite it, you must write it"
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The only thing you can really do at this point is to make sure the food you eat is healthy. That way you won't be getting tons of extra calories from junk food. You can give walking a try but be careful not to overdo it, especially since you're in your third trimester. After your baby is born keep up with the walking. You won't be able to run with a jogging stroller until your baby is at least 6 months old and able to sit unassisted.