its the evenings that kill me!

Hello there, during the day i find i can diet really well, eating breakfast lunch and dinner, that falls into my cal recommended allowence. however after 7 oclock i get the urge to delve into any chocolate crisps sandwhiches cereals i can get my hands on! most the time im not even hungry! ive tried substituting it with water or squash but most the time i fail and eat excessively. is there any help anyone can offer?


  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    don't have chocolate crisps sandwiches and cereals around would be a good start - if it isn't there you can't eat it! find healthy things you DO like, or incorporate the other things into your calorie count and make it work if you really want it.
  • thedarkwombat
    thedarkwombat Posts: 123 Member
    I would recommend skipping breakfast. You seem to be built like me. I am fine all day then when I go home I eat like crazy. Why not save your calories for later?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,068 Member
    i have/had the same problem. heres what i did/do;

    more protein with supper, save up more cals during the day to allow for night time snacks, eat low cal foods for said nighttime snacks, when you meet your calorie goal for the day brush your teeth, drink lots of water, and try to do something that keeps your hands occupied if your watching tv (rubix cube or something). i find the last one makes the big difference, most times its eating out of boredom when it comes to late night snacks, so having something to occupy your mind (and watching tv doesnt count) helps wonders
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I have the same problem. I try to eat lower calorie snacks/meals while at work, and save more calories for the evening. Work the junk food into your daily calories so you don't go over.

    I've bought some dessert flavoured teas that help curb the sweet craving. I have Creme Caramel, Creme Brulee, Chocolate Mint, Red Velvet & Salted Caramel flavours. They are so good!

    I find working out in the evening helps, because then I'm home later and it leaves me less time to snack. I'll also take my dog for a walk to kill some time, get her out and also burn a few extra calories (win-win-win!) Don't have a dog? Take your kid/spouse/friend :laugh:
  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    I go to the gym in the evening after dinner. That way my evenings are spent working out rather than eating. If I do get hungry afterward, I have a yogurt but I'm usually too tired to eat.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    I can relate - throw away that crap outta the home... if it must be in it... I'm dating a girl now who basically requires me to keep ice cream and chocolate on standby - just drink a protein shake and feel full... Or I just eat a mushroom or some raw broccoli and it fills you right up.

    Another idea is to eat a cucumber, it will make you feel full on under 30 calories.

    If you must divulge in snacks late night, then make it almonds, or greek yogurt with flax seed sprinkled on top.

    It is def not a bad thing to eat at night, especially if you are in your calorie window, but make sure your not eating crap-stick to your macros.

    when, not if, but when you mess up, just smile for the reminder your human and not a robot - and move on. Last thing you should do is beat yourself up - then your ganna pig out on the 'crispsss'
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Also, after dating dozens of fit hispanic women I noticed many eat at 7pm - and they eat slooowly - like I'm talking a full hour/ hour and a half for dinner - this is actually healthy - and I noticed me eating at 7pm every night keeps me feeling full till bed time at 10pm.
  • doIdaretoeatapeach
    doIdaretoeatapeach Posts: 26 Member
    I have the same problem. I call it The Witching Hour, because around 7 pm I'm ravenous, even if I've eaten a decent amount prior to 5 pm. I do what the posters above suggested - no breakfast, and try to have plenty of calories available for early evening. I really need to have 700+ calories after 4 pm. It's easier for me to be hungry earlier in the day, and have enough to eat to feel satiated around 7 pm. I've never been a breakfast eater anyway, so this seems to work for me.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Get a Sudoku or crossword or word search puzzle book. Make sure it is a book that you need to hold and have a pencil in the other hand. Mind and hands will be occupied so you can't eat.