Ready to buckle down

Hi everyone! My name is Brianna, and I'm unfortunately at my highest weight ever right now. I am ready to change my lifestyle and lose the pounds. My motivation is fitting in my mom's wedding dress! She had a 19" waist when she got married, and while my bone structure will never allow that, I need to be as close as I can be so that they can still let the dress out to fit me. I have until May 2015!

I have always battled my weight. When I was growing up, my grandparents asked me every time they saw me how much I weighed, and then would proceed to tell me that I needed to lose weight (this was through my puberty years). I slimmed out as I grew taller, but then gained about 15-20 pounds when I was a sophomore in college (the year I moved into a dorm).
My senior year I tried the Dukan diet and lost about 30 lbs, down to my slimmest. I felt great, but life happens, and I went off the diet.
About 6 months ago I started fighting a strong battle against my anxiety and depression. I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder with depression, but my psychiatrist was someone who didn't listen or care, so I'm not sure I agree with that diagnosis. I think my main problem is depression, I am only anxious when I am depressed. Anyways, I have always struggled with it, but it has become really hard the last 6 months, and as a result of my stress eating, I have gained about 50 lbs. I feel awful, and I know it doesn't help my mental health.
Because I am taking things slow, and because I am really busy, I am starting by working out with a friend 3 times a week. I'm keeping my calories around/under 1700 a day. I'm also taking some supplements/vitamins from Itworks Global which have been helping a lot. And I cheat on the weekends. Right now that's what's keeping me eating clean during the week, and I hope to eventually cut that out.

So I'd really like some mfp friends!

Current Stats:
I weigh 179
I am 5'3"
I am 22 years old