Logging "strength training" exercises

Question for you people who are familiar with using this site since Im very new at it, but when I log exercises such as weights, strength training those sort of things it doesnt calculate my calories burned for those exercises? Is it supposed to do that or am I supposed to figure those myself. Ive been looking everywhere trying to figure it out but cant find anything. Please helpppp!!


  • bvalerie4321
    I have been looking too, but no answers. If you find out please let me know.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    When I lift, I log it as "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)" in the Cardio section. Granted, even with 1 hour spent, it doesn't amount to many calories burned. I'm guessing it's low because it's only an approximation.

    As for logging the actual exercises, those can be added with the "Add exercise" option where you search for the type of exercise (bench press for example), then type in the number of sets, reps, and weight you lifted.

    I log my weightlifting so my trainer can gauge my progress, not to burn a lot of calories in order to eat them back.
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    Same but I found "strength training" under cardio and just use that... I don't know if the calories burned are accurate though? Its more or less for my record keeping.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    It's not really possible for MFP to calculate a calorie burn for individual strength exercises. If you want to log a burn, add the cardio exercise for strength training, as Mathguy1 indicated above. It's based on... averages of... somebody doing... something. So it's probably better than a total wildass guess.

    I do log a burn for strength training, because if I don't eat enough for recovery, bad things happen to my body. If my workout schedule were more stable, I'd probably switch to the TDEE method instead.
  • nicolecharvel21
    nicolecharvel21 Posts: 40 Member
    Ok I wasnt sure if there was a way that this could be logged on here or not but like Mathguy1 said its hard to judge how much you actually burn. Ill just continue to add it the the sets, reps etc. I was mostly curious because I have heard that you actually burn a lot more calories than you think by using weights. Thanks for the help everyone :)
  • Geloza
    Geloza Posts: 315 Member
    You burn more calories from weight lifting because muscle burns more energy than fat does. Muscles also keep burning calories, AFTER the workout ends, vs just cardio. The more muscle you accumulate, the more calories you burn to get rid of the fat in the long run.

    I've recently learned there will be slight ups and downs on the scale when you weight lift. That is healthy and expected! Love me some weights!!! :heart: