Need support!

I've been actively trying to lose weight now since September 2013. I did really well there for a while, I had lost 30 pounds in the first 3 months or so and then I went off a cliff and stopped losing weight. Then I quit the job I hated and I lost another 15 pounds (5 of which I had gained somewhere between December and March), but then I plateaued again. I've been keeping track of my food, though I Just started on here again. I exercise 2-4 times a week for 60-90 minutes each time. I have also built in strength training so that when I lose the weight I'm not left with just flab. But I'm getting horribly discouraged.

I have an amazing support system in my boyfriend but it's hard to tell him that I feel discouraged and that I want to quit. I want to lose the weight but I need all the help, support and encouragement I can get. My biggest downfalls are my cravings. I love pasta and sweets and Chinese and Mexican and my soda! I just need whatever help I can get!


  • Hi, this is my first time on this site. I have been trying to lose weight and have made steps to achieve this 20 pounds to start to lose first . I need to lose more but I gotta start somewhere. I go up and down with weight for the last year. I lost a good amountlast year because I was sick now I am better and put it back on plus a couple pounds. So here I go again. Let see how I do.
  • KendraJessi2012
    KendraJessi2012 Posts: 7 Member
    Let's be honest, I'd almost welcome a debilitating sickness to help me lose this weight right now! It's killing me. I have 79 pounds left to go and I just want it gone. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited that I'm 40 pounds lighter than I was last year, but it doesn't make me ecstatic, and it doesn't make me weigh what I'm suppose to. It's killing me slowly!
  • CMReece
    CMReece Posts: 4 Member
    You can do this! I completely feel you pain as far as cravings go. I'm an old-fashioned southern girl at heart, so I love good food! I was raised eating like Paula Deen. What you need to do are find some healthier versions of your recipes that will fulfill those cravings. Here are two of my favorites. The sauce is great on EVERYTHING. We drizzle it over steamed or grilled veggies, grilled or roasted meats (chicken, pork, salmon....). It adds a ton of flavor with very few calories and no fat. It's very similar to the brown ginger sauce you'd get at a Hibachi restaurant. These should get you through the cravings for Chinese food. If you want more healthy ideas, poke around on Pinterest. Search for you favorite dish with the words "Healthy" or "Lighter". You'll be amazed at what you can find. Eating healthy doesn't have to mean giving up everything you love. It's just finding better ways to make it.
  • KendraJessi2012
    KendraJessi2012 Posts: 7 Member
    Oh I'll never be able to give it up, but these cravings kill me. Especially when it comes to chocolate. I can get away with the Chinese and Mexican most of the time because we don't eat out all that often. Honestly, we pretty much eat out once a week at that's at Buffalo Wild Wings so the boyfriend can have his wings. It's just killing me. I feel like I'm giving up so much and seeing zero benefit from it.
  • corybeth77
    corybeth77 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same way. Everyday is a struggle. We need to support each other to reach our goals.
    I tell myself SKINNY TASTE BETTER and drink water when the cravings are torturing me.
    CHIN UP its all mental.
  • audrast
    audrast Posts: 74 Member
    You've got to have some tricks up your sleeve.

    Great trick number one: muscle confusion. Change your exercises, even if it's switching the duration and then difficulty. Throw a new routine in there. Build some extra muscle mass that will help you burn more fat in the long run. Not only does it keep your body guessing, but it keeps you from getting bored by the same thing over and over. Never tried kettlebell workouts? Try one! Never dared go on the elliptical or stair climber? Give it a shot!

    Trick two: Get some performance based goals rather than weight goals. If you set of goal of being able to do 20 pushups, as you pursue that goal, your body will follow. If you set a goal of running a 5k in 3 months, during training, your body will follow. Setting your ultimate goal as a number on a scale doesn't mean you'll be a healthier person when you get there. If, however, you make your goals achievement based, you can feel the success of a body that does what you want it to.

    Trick three: Give yourself short term and long term goals. If your only goal is to lose 40 pounds, it is going to take a while to get there, you WILL get disillusioned along the way. Try setting a goal of working out three times this week. Set another goal of going from doing 20 minutes on the elliptical at level 3 to 20 minutes at level 4.

    Trick four: Create a positive mindset. Focus on positive changes and forgive yourself for mistakes. Oh crap, I ate two donuts at the staff meeting on Monday. Instead of loathing on yourself for a few extra calories, tell yourself that you will go for an extra 8 minutes on your run on Friday.

    I read a passage from a book yesterday that really rang true for me. Even the largest waves you will face are still just water.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,007 Member
    I hear you all and feel your pain. I am far from being an expert but take a look at this

    ITs truly helpful.

  • sharonavis14
    sharonavis14 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for sharing your story. I want to tell you that I certainly admire what you have accomplished! I know how it feels to not lose weight when you're doing all of the right things. It's the most discouraging thing and I go crazy! I've had to fight being heavy all of my life and it's never easy. I would be so happy to have these 20 lbs. off; NOW! It took a lot for me to even start in July. I hope that this will give you some help. I understand the ups and downs.
  • birdieh
    birdieh Posts: 4 Member
    I totally relate to what you are saying. I have been procrastinating getting serious and my food cravings are in line with yours, but add pizza!!! I am not into pop, but I really like my coffee with creamer. Are you a member of a gym? I joined a gym and did the fitness like you did and I haven't lost anything. I got serious and did everything I should and nothing!!!! So, today, I worked out with a trainer and signed up for 12 sessions, 1 a week. I am excited and she told me that if I do everything she tells me to do, nutrition, exercise and stay on track and write down everything I eat down to the teaspoon, then she said she will guarantee results and that I will lose all the weight I need to lose. I have been carrying around this weight for several years and I am so ready to be able to get into clothes. I hope that you can keep going. I don't know how old you are, but whatever age you are, do it now!!!! Don't wait!!! Don't get discouraged!!!! You can do this!!!!! Go online and look up good nutritional receipes on Pinterest. Go shopping for a new outfit, that always motivates me to get going again, or stay on task. Get a trainer if you can. I paid $642 for 12 sessions and I am seeing her once a week. I interviewed and asked around before I decided on her. I don't have much money, but I figured that if she helps me make it to my goal she is worth every penny. Instead of eating out, buying pop, and spending my money on other things I can do without, I am doing this. She is going to keep me accountable. I told her I need a Jullian Michaels. I want encouragement, accountability but I need to know she will be in my face if I don't do what I am supposed to do. Anyway, Good luck.
  • CMReece
    CMReece Posts: 4 Member
    If you feel like you aren't seeing progress, try setting smaller, incremental goals. Take your long-term goal and break it down to a weekly goal. If you want to lose another 50 lbs in the next year, think of that as 1 lb per week. Each week, just concentrate on losing that one pound. It may feel like it's going to take forever, but the only way to get to the finish line is to put one foot in front of the other and keep going.

    Like I said before, I love to eat, so when I saw my calorie goal, I was pretty discouraged. When I realized that I could take the dogs for a brisk 30 minute walk to burn an extra 100 calories, and that meant I could EAT that extra 100 calories to stay at my net calorie goal for the day, it made it SOOOOOO much more tolerable. Now I'm doing everything I can to be more active so I can balance it out by being able to eat a little more of what I love.

    Another thing to consider if you aren't seeing progress is that you may not be measuring your portions accurately. I thought I WAS doing that. I used a measuring cup to measure my cereal, my cottage cheese, my yogurt, etc. I counted out crackers and pretzels and such. When I switched to using a food scale, I couldn't believe how much smaller a portion was than what I thought it should be. The serving size on the box is "3/4c (50g)". I would measure out a cup. When I weighed out 50g, it was more like 3/4c. So I was eating 25% more than I thought I was, which equates to about an extra 50 calories. No wonder I was gaining weight! So if you aren't using a food scale, I highly recommend you start. Eyeballing it is always a bad idea, and as I found out, even measuring by volume isn't always as precise as you need it to be. Those extra calories add up fast!

    Just know that you have a big goal ahead of you, and big goals take time. You have to have stepping stones along the way and celebrate the small successes. You've come a long way already. You're more than 1/3 of the way to your final goal.