Try to get my life back

My name is Melissa and I'm 27 years old. My goal is to get back to that girl in my profile picture. Happy and healthy. My wight has put a huge strain on every aspect of my life. I need a change. I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself and thinking 'oh well I guess this is what I'm going to look like forever'. That is not a heathy way of thinking.

So my fiancé and I are starting to make healthy changes. Mainly planning our dinner meals for the week, getting rid of all juices/sodas (sorry my Summer Shandy isn't going anywhere!) and trying to be more active. While he is an amazing motivator he works crazy hours. I could really do with some extra support on here. So if you feel like you are in the same place as me where your excessive wight is causing you to miss out on some of the greatest parts of life, join me. We can do this together!


  • ThinningKB2014
    Hi!! Congrats and deciding to make some healthy change to your lifestyle! Feel free to add me. I'm on the site every day!
  • MyTurn2BHappy
    MyTurn2BHappy Posts: 475 Member
    I feel the same way! I'm depressed every time I look in the mirror and need to get my "sexy back". Feel free to add me. We will support each other :)