When to change caloric goals?

Hey guys,

Hope you're all reaching your goals! Just had a quick question regarding caloric intake and when to switch goals. I am currently on a gradual weight loss with my caloric intake at 2400, with 270 Carbs, 210 Protein and 53 Fat. I work out 4-5 times a week on a Heavy Strength/Athletic program. It follows an upper, lower, off split. I've only been tracking my food for about 2 days and just weighed myself this morning. Turns out my scale read that I went from 225.8 in the beginning of the week to 226.4, essentially a .6 pound gain.

I was just wondering if this gain over a span of two days is sufficient to adjust caloric intake or possibly wait out the whole week and see the overall progress of things?

Thanks to all who can give me some insight on this!


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    2 days is definitely not long enough, neither is a week if your just going by that 0.6 lb gain. 3 weeks is the generally agreed time to re-adjust goals if you arent seeing the results you want, water retention effects your weight too much in the short term to consider even a difference in week to week significant.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Give it a few weeks and judge from there. I gain up to 5 lbs in a single day and depending on my activity, sodium intake, bloat from food I can stay up a few pounds over the next few days, even

    Pick a day to weigh in once a week. Same time, place, clothes or no clothes and go from there!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Give it at least 1 week of perfect logging and hitting your calorie/macro goals. For the 0.6 lbs, that is most likely water flushing into your system. You won't gain fat that fast.

  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    A two day timeframe isn't long enough to switch gears. The rate at which your body burns fat varies from week to week due to bowels, sodium, hormones, exercise, stress, TOM, etc. This is normal body fluctuations and should be expected. The agreed amount of time will vary from person to person but start with about 4 weeks. Accurately track for about a month then make adjustments as needed.
  • Really Appreciate the feedback thanks a lot, guys! Will be sure to continue on and judge from there
  • No one thing you have to remember that your body will change through out the the I reccommend you weight yourself at the same time under the same conditions. Ideally the best time is when you awake in the morning naked. When you see changes make mental notes to observe the changes ie. water intake and if it is that time of the month.
  • I have been drinking a lot more water lately so it may very well be water retention on top of sodium intake. And yes I agree, I weigh myself every morning after just waking up. However, that time of the month won't be a concern considering I'm a dude haha but thanks for the feedback nonetheless!